New features on Desert Fishes Council WWW / Novedades del DFC
- April, 2005 - This "What's new" file, despite regular additions and changes to the website over the last few years, has rarely documented such changes. With the move of the site to a new server this month, some long overdue cleanup has been accomplished and an attempt will be made in future to make this file once again a useful indicator of new content and updates. Major recent changes include:
- The pages have moved to a new server (hosted by University of Texas at Austin)
- Domain locking was re-established so once again the domain is retained in the URL of all pages (please change any bookmarks that were made to other URLs)
- The search page was finally fixed
- The Cuatro Ciénegas pages have new content, including those for the new DFC-supported Research Station.
- May 30, 2004 - At the ASIH meeting in Norman, Oklahoma, Executive Secretary
Phil Pister finally demonstrated in public his recently acquired cyber-skills
gained under Hendrickson's tutelage. This clandestine training was undertaken
after 9/11/2001 to assure long-term stability of the DFC website under
ever-mounting threats of cyber-terrorism. Completion of his training now places Pister in position
to become the oldest DFC webmaster ever should he need to take over from
Hendrickson. In an amazing demonstration of his cyberspace mastery, Agent
Pister time-warped his substantial mass to successfully occupy two positions
nearly simultaneously, slipping up only slightly in the process by allowing
his cap to be blown off during extremely risky high-speed transport through
bandwidths nearly too narrow for masses of his dimension. That he accomplished
this feat within the exposure time of a camera shutter functioning in full
daylight is demonstrated by the image below.

- January 15, 2004 - HAPPY
Can you believe this sucker's 75 years old?!
Shortly before celebrating his 75th birthday on Thursday January 15, 2003,
Phil Pister, Executive Secretary of the DFC, was out showing photographer Kim
Russell, Steve
Parmenter and other young
California Fish and Game employees how
to reintroduce Cyprinodon radiosus to a recently renovated, now bass-free
habitat in Fish Slough, near his home in Bishop, California. (click on either
image for higher resolution).
Please join us in clogging Phil's phone line
on this special occasion with congratulatory greetings - phone/FAX (760)
872-8751; e-mail Phil at desertfishes dot org.
- December 17, 2002 - Re-organized and edited most meetings- and
Proceedings-related pages to link to all of this information via a
single page. Edited home page to
have only 1 link to to this page via "Meetings & Proceedings." Deleted link to
"Links" page, which is less relevant than when it was started 8 years ago
before the advent of web search engines.
- December 15, 2002 Published 2001
Proceedings electronically.
- July 16, 2002 - Installed a link to the recently created GIS
dataset for the Lower Colorado Basin.
- May 18, 1999 - Installed a file of brief
biographies of DFC officers provided by Phil Pister.
- May 1, 1999 - Installed a new fish image on home page.
- April 16, 1999
- March 10, 1999
- The 1999 meeting dates were changed to November 18-21 (1 week later than
initially planned). All meeting information
files were edited accordingly.
- January 27, 1999
- January 20, 1999
- January 15, 1999
- January 4, 1999
- October 14, 1998
- Bulletin Board area started (and later removed in 2005) for users to
post and respond to messages. The announcements mentioned in the Oct. 5 post
below were moved to the Bulletin Board, and the old announcements area was
taken offline.
- October 5, 1998
- October 2, 1998
- August 31, 1998
- replaced indexes to fish images and information in
DFC and TNHC systems (both
North American and
Texas) to fix some errors and
update each to include links to recently installed files.
- Installed the TNHC logo as the new background for lower level pages
(e.g. image files) of TNHC Fish Web. See
- August 25, 1998
- August 23, 1998
- August 14, 1998
- July 3, 1998
Made minor corrections (including a telephone number) in 1998 and 1999
meeting announcements (all versions - html and pdf versions in each spanish
and english).
- July 2, 1998
- July 2, 1998
- June 22, 1998
Installed detailed and bilingual information about
future DFC meetings. Complete details
regarding the 1998 meeting in Page, Arizona, as well as extensive
information about the 1999 meeting
in Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, México may now be obtained here. The
1998 meeting registration form is
here for printing (the PDF version
is probably easiest to print) and mailing with your payment. The
Membership form (remember that 1998 dues
must be paid in order to present a paper) is also now available in
PDF form.
- June 21, 1998
- February 12, 1998
- February 11, 1998
- Approximately 50 images of Goodeidae and Poeciliidae were donated by the
American Livebearer Association.
See the main North American fish
index for links. Thanks to Pam Sponholtz for her great effort scanning
all these in!
- A number of Garold Sneegas images were added including many
Gambusia nobilis and
Cyprinodon elegans images. Additional images include Lepomis
cyanellus, Lepomis punctatus, Lepomis marginatus,
Anguilla rostrata, Minytrema melanops, Trinectes maculatus,
Chaenobryttus gulosus, and Ictalurus lupus.
- Images were donated by Paul Barrett for
Gila orcutti,
osculus ssp9, and
- Images were donated by Glenn Longley of two blind catfishes,
Satan eurystomus and
Trogloglanis pattersoni.
- A set of instructions on scanning slides for
for this web site was added.
- An extensive check for missing links and problems was conducted, so if
you see any errors please contact us (link is at the page's end).
- November 17, 1997
- Pseudobarbus asper account,
the fourth for the African Desert Fishes pages by Dr. Jim Cambray.
- November 14, 1997
- November 14, 1997
- November 8, 1997
- November 5, 1997
- November 1, 1997
- October 20, 1997
- June 28, 1997
The Call for Papers was mailed
("snail" mail) to all current members on about this same date.
More complete meeting information is
also available.
- June 11, 1997
Try this Internet Search Service
and have a penny contributed toward tropical forest conservation each time
you use it. The total was $30.40 when this link was installed on 6/11/97.
- June 3, 1997
- May 27, 1997
- May 20, 1997
- February 9, 1997
- February 5, 1997
Lots of information about the 1997
meeting, call for papers, etc.. A note was also distributed on DFC-L
with same information and the dues notice. Dues are for the calendar year,
and so 1997 dues are now due. Print and submit this
membership form with payment now if you
have yet to pay for 1997. Note that this same information is was mailed via
"snail mail" on about this same date to all members who paid 1996 dues.
- December 3, 1996
- November 24, 1996
Added habitat images for
Railroad Valley, Nevada and fish images of Cuatro Ciénegas bass and
sunfish donated by Steve Norris.
- October 9, 1996
- October 8, 1996
- September 9, 1996
- September 1, 1996
- August 31, 1996
- August 27, 1996
- August 12, 1996
- July 15, 1996
- June 7, 1996
- June 6, 1996
- June 1, 1996
- Four new pupfish abstracts (in spanish only) from Jesus Montemayor Leal
and Carlos Aguilera Gonzalez. Unfortunately, two new extinctions of
natural populations are reported here for the first time. Captive
populations of each exist.
- April 24, 1996
- April 23, 1996
- April 22, 1996
- April 17, 1996
- April 17, 1996
- April 17, 1996
- April 7, 1996
- April 6, 1996
- April 2, 1996
- March 30, 1996
- installed JavaScript running on home page which (in Netscape 2.0 only
until more browsers become JavaScript capable) displays scrolling text at
bottom of window. Current DFC news items will be displayed here.
- March 27, 1996
- March 25, 1996
- March 23, 1996
- March 18, 1996
- March 18, 1996
- March 14, 1996
- March 8, 1996
- March 7, 1996
- March 6, 1996
- Added more photos to Cuatro Ciénegas habitats and for several Cuatro
Ciénegas species including Cichlasoma cyannogattum, C. minckleyi,
Cyprinella xanthicara, and Etheostoma sp 1. They can be viewed
from the Cuatro Ciénegas file.
- Added Goose Lake
redband trout picture.
- March 5, 1996
- Added list of Area Coordinators.
These members have volunteered to coordinate contributions from agency
offices and others throughout their (mostly) hydrographically structured
areas and to compile these into multi-authored "Area reports" for
presentation at the annual meeting. Check with these people if you wish to
contribute or have questions about how reports are being coordinated.
- March 4, 1996
- February 7, 1996
- January 27, 1996
- Added documentation on DFC-L after
activating the DFC-L Discussion Group with 110 original subscribers
- January 23, 1996
- January 21, 1996
- Added prelimary announcement of, and documentation for,
DFC-L Discussion list (soon to be started)
- Minor corrections in Cuatro Ciénegas pages
- January 19, 1996
- More distriution maps added bringing the total number to about 330.
- More fish photos added bringing the total to over 150 individual photos.
- More Cuatro Ciénegas habitat, fish, and
other aquatic organisms photos added.
- Australian desert fish pages have been updated, especially the addition
of further habitat photos and links to other
neat Australian sites.
- A complete listing of North
American fishes with links to all our files has also been updated.
- New habitat photos for Prietella phreatophila (Mexican
blindcat) have been added to the habitat index
- January 15, 1996
- January 2, 1995
- Literally hundreds of new fish images, more distribution maps,
links to species-specific files on other Web servers, and a whole new look
for all DFC files.
- December 1995 - An all new taxonomically
structured index to all files on North American fishes, including:
- Scientific and common names (English and Spanish)
- MANY new fish images, and
- MANY new fish distribution maps, as well as some
- new informative abstracts of what is known of selected species.
- November 1995 - A developing, geographically
structured index for North American deserts which presently includes:
- a growing collection of information on Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila,
México, with images of habitats and fishes, and
- lists of desert fishes for many U.S. states.
- November 1995 - All new Australian desert
fish pages with a wealth of
- fish and habitat images and
- general information on Australian desert fishes.
- October 1995 - Volume 26 (1994) of the
Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council
- now available in fully formatted, high resolution, electronic Adobe PDF
format and containing
- bilingual abstracts of all papers from the 1994 meeting in Death
Valley and
- five complete, contributed papers.
- October 1995 - The "image of the month"
This page last modified:
19 June 2004