le>1998 DFC Meeting Schedule
Desert Fishes Council
30th Annual Meeting
Wahweap Lodge, Glen Canyon NRA
12-15 November 1998
Thursday Morning (12 November)
0845 Pister, E.P.; Lentsch, L. Greetings from DFC Executive Secretary and Chair of Local Committee.
0915 Alston, J.; Superintendent, GCNRA. Welcome to Glen Canyon National Recreational Area
ECOREGION REPORTS (S. Contreras-Balderas, Moderator)
0930 Young, D.A.*; White R.G.; Buettner, M.E.; Status of desert fish conservation and recovery in Oregon .
0945 Miller, R.*; Wong, D.; Threloff, D.; Keeney, S.; Southern California ecoregion report.
1000 Holden, P.B. Bonneville Basin report, 1998.
1015 Pfeifer, F.K.; Report on recovery activities in the upper Colorado River - 1998.
1030 Stein, J.R.*; Heinrich, J.E.; Hobbs, B.M.; St. George, D.; Southern Nevada eco-region report.
1045 Propst, D.*; McCarthy, P.; Brooks, J.; Platania, S.; Native fish research and management in New Mexico during 1998.
1100 Stefferud, J.A.; Lower Colorado basin ecoregion report.
1115 Garrett, G.P.*; Allan, N.; Edwards, R.J.; Hubbs, C.; Desert fishes research and management in Texas during 1998.
1130 Varela-Romero, A.*; Ruiz-Campos, G.; Yepiz-Velasquez, L.M.; Alaniz-Garcia, J.; Current status of the desert pupfish Cyprinodon m. macularius populations in the lower Colorado River basin, Sonora and Baja California, Mexico.
1145 Contreras-B., S*.; Northeastern Mexico coordinator report/ Reporte de la Coordinación Noreste de México.
ALMUERZO 1200--1400
Thursday Afternoon (12 November)
1400 Williams, J.; Introduction to symposium.
1415 Wegner, D.L.; Glen Canyon before the dam (video).
1430 Wegner, D.L.; Restore Glen Canyon: A challenge for conservation and restoration ecology in the Colorado River.
1500 Schmidt, J.; Physical conditions of the reservoir and changes over time.
1515 Holden, P.; The potential disadvantages to native fishes from the draining of Lake Powell.
1530 Douglas, M.E.; Long-term effects of dam removal on aquatic diversity of the Colorado River.
1545 Williams, J.; Group discussion.
Friday Morning (13 November)
0845 Parmlee, D.D.*; Brouder, M.J.; Potential predation on native roundtail chub Gila robusta by non-native fishes in the Verde River, Arizona
0900 Hubbs, C.; Effects of feeding regime on Gambusia cannibalism.
0915 Marsh, P.C.*; Pacey, C.A.; Minckley, W.L.; Resource use attributes of Colorado River fishes and implications for management of native and non-native species.
0930 Rinne, J.N.; Fish and grazing relationships: Status of knowledge and research needs, western and southwestern United States.
0945 Robertson, M.S.; Effects of an introduced predator on the native fish assemblage of the Devils River, Texas.
1000 Redondo, D.C.; Preliminary analysis of beaver ponds and fish assemblages in Arizona and New Mexico streams.
1015 Dudley, R.K*; Platania, S.P.; Downstream transport rates of drifting, semibuoyant cyprinid eggs and larvae.
1030 Bestgen, K.R.*; Beyers, D.W.; Haines, G.B.; Rice, J.A.; Importance of red shiner predation on survival of Colorado squawfish larvae: An experimental and individual-based modeling analysis.
GRAND CANYON ECOSYSTEM (W.R. Persons, Moderator)
1045 McKinney, T.*; Persons, W.R.; Rogers, R.S.; Abundance, distribution, and movement of flannelmouth sucker Catostomus latipinnis in the Lee's Ferry tailwater below Glen Canyon Dam, Colorado River, Arizona.
1100 Sponholtz, P.J.*; Hoffnagle, T.L.; Use of backwater and isolated pool habitat by native and nonnative fishes in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona.
1115 Brunner, P.C.*; Douglas, M.R.; Douglas, M.E.; Are flannelmouth sucker in Grand Canyon panmictic?
1130 Hoffnagle, T.L.*; Valdez, R.A.; Temporal changes in backwater and main channel shoreline use by small native and non-native fishes in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona
1145 Gorman, O.T.*; Bramblett, R.G.; Van Haverbeke, D.R.; Stone, D.M.; Van Hoosen, R.R.; Monitoring and studies of native fishes of the Colorado River ecosystem in Grand Canyon: 1998-1999 program.
ALMUERZO 1200--1400
Friday Afteroon (13 November)
EVOLUTION AND CONSERVATION (D. Hendrickson, Moderator)
1400 Hendrickson, D.A.*; Stephens, M.J.; Historic and current status of the Cuatro Cienegas cichlid polymorphism.
1415 Oakey, D.D.*; Douglas, M.E.; Genetic variation in speckled dace and implications for conservation.
1430 Hogrefe, T.C.*; Toline, C.A.; Seamons, T.R.; Lentsch, L.; Conservation genetics of boreal toad in Utah.
1445 Toline, C.A.* Seitz, A.M.; Lentsch, L.; Population genetics of spotted frog: Implications for conservation.
1500 Secor, C.L.; Evolutionary dynamics of an enzyme polymorphism in Pantosteus clarki (Catostomidae) from the desert southwest.
1515 Ruiz-Campos, G.*; Castro-Aguirre, J.L.; Gonzalez-Acosta, A.F.; Sanchez-Gonzales, S.; Conservation status of Fundulus lima of the Baja California peninsula, Mexico.
1530 Camarena-Rosales, F.*; De la Rosa-Volez, J.; Ruiz-Campos, G; Correa-Sandoval, F.; Variacion alozimica de Fundulus lima y de F. parvipinnis ssp. de la Peninsula de Baja California, Mexico.
Saturday Morning (14 November 1998)
MANAGEMENT PLANS/ PROBLEMS (Gary Garrett, Moderator)
0845 Stefferud, S.E.*; Meador, M.R.; Interbasin water transfers and nonnative aquatic species movement: A brief case history review.
0900 Garcia de Leon, F.J.*; Rodriguez Castro, J.H.; Banda-Valdez, A.; Gonzalez Garcia, L.; Herrera Castillo, J.M.; Evaluation of the alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) fishery in Vicente Guerrero reservoir, Tamaulipas, Mexico.
0915 Deason, B.P.; Growth and age determination of Catostomus insignis.
0930 Minckley, C.O.*; Thorson, M.; Doelker, A.; Update on the Achii Hanyo Project, an AZ native fish hatchery.
0945 Unmack, P.J.*; Minckley, W.L.; Fry, J.; The fish are going on the byte: GIS analysis of western fishes.
1000 Contreras-B., S.*; Lozano-V., M.L.; García-R., M.E.; Continental fishes of Central and Southern Oaxaca, Mexico/ Peces Continentales de Oaxaca Centro y Sur, México.
1015 Holden, P.B.; Abate, P.D.*; Ruppert, J.B.; Heinrich, J.E.; Razorback sucker studies on Lake Mead, Nevada, 1997-98.
1030 Ruppert, J.B.*; Holden, P.B.; Abate, P.D.; Age estimation and growth of razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus in Lake Mead, Nevada.
1045 Johnson, J.E.*; Hines, R.T.; Effect of suspended sediment on vulnerability of young razorback sucker to predation.
1100 Pacey, C.A.*; Marsh, P.C.; Growth of wild adult razorback suckers in Lake Mohave, Arizona-Nevada.
1115 Foster, D.K.*; Mueller, G.A.; Investigations into razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus (Catostomidae): Movements, habitat use, and response to pre-stocking acclimation in Green and Colorado rivers of southern Utah.
1130 Modde, T.*, Muth, R.T.; Haines, G.B.; Floodplain wetlands as nursery habitat for razorback suckers in the middle Green River.
1145 Dowling, T.E.*; Marsh, P.C.; Tibbets, C.A.; Secor, C.L.; Success in conservation: Molecular evidence from razorback sucker.
ALMUERZO 1200—1400
Saturday Afternoon (14 November 1998)
PUPFISH RESEARCH (M.R. Douglas, Moderator)
1400 Douglas, M.R.*; Douglas, M.E.; Brunner, P.C.; Population estimates/ population movements of Quitobaquito pupfish.
1415 Echelle, A.A.*; Van Den Bussche, R.A.; Minckley, C.O.; Malloy, T.; Marsh, P.C.; MtDNA variation in desert pupfish.
1430 Wilcox, J.; Conservation of small populations: Why isn't Cyprinodon diabolis extinct?
1500 Klocek, R.; Desert fishes of the Dominican Republic.
1515 Hoagstrom, C.W.*; Brooks, J.E.; Distribution, status, and conservation of the Pecos pupfish, Cyprinodon pecosensis.
1530 Rosenfield, J.; Sexual selection plays a role in the introgression between Pecos pupfish and sheepshead minnow.
1545 Garrett, G.P.;Renovation of Lake Balmorhea
1600 Schiffmiller, G.; Effects of mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) on recruitment in desert pupfish (Cyprinodon macularius).
Reynoso-Mendoza, F.*; Karbach, A.; Ecological rescue project of the oasis San Luis Gonzaga, BCS, Mexico, and protection of Fundulus lima population.
Snyder, D.E.; Rio Grande sucker larvae and early juveniles: Morphological description and comparison with white sucker.
Unmack, P.J.; Minckley, W.L.; Fry, J.; GIS analysis of fishes in the Gila River Basin, Arizona/New Mexico.
Valdez, R.A.; Carothers, S.W.; Leibfried, W.C.; The aquatic ecosystem of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon: Grand Canyon Data Integration Project synthesis report.
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