Click for
2,456 kb original jpeg. With the 2005 meeting fast approaching in Cuatro Ciénegas, many new pages going online, and a change in the Image of the month over 5 years overdue, it seemed like a Cuatro Ciénegas photo would be appropriate. Jacob Hendrickson recently snapped some nice ones.
Here some Astyanax mexicanus head for the blue of La Becerra in April 2005. Those interested in other underwater pictures by Jacob can find some on the Cuatro Ciénegas home page - just reload the page to cycle through all the images available there. Image of the month as of August 2, 2005.
Click for 29k original jpeg. This unexpected juxtaposition of an introduced rainbow trout (Oncorynchus mykiss) swimming next to a native Astyanax mexicanus in a stream in the sierra of the state of Nuevo León (near Arramberi), México, seemed to the webmaster to exemplify the extreme threat to native biota that nonindigenous organisms have become throughout the region of primary interest to the Desert Fishes Council. Juan Miguel Artigas Azas photographer. Image of the month as of January 1, 2000.
Click for 26k jpeg. This image of Cichlasoma minckleyi (Cuatro
Ciénegas cichlid), taken by Dean A. Hendrickson, was chosen for lack of any
other entries in the competition. Pictured is the male half (Henry) of "pair
III" of a lab stock maintained in Hendrickson's lab. Pair III has reproduced
many times in the lab. Picture taken in November 1998 (digital original). More
information about the species may be found in the Cuatro
Ciénegas pages.
Click for 25k jpeg. This image of Melanotaenia splendida tatei
(desert rainbowfish), taken by Peter J. Unmack, was chosen to highlight some of
the spectacular beauty that can be found in the
Australian desert. Rainbowfishes, due to their bright colours are popular
aquarium fishes the world over. A number of other neat Australian fish pictures
can also be found by browsing through the
Australian Desert Fishes Index.
Click for 46k jpeg. This image of Cyprinodon longidorsalis, known
only from a 3 meter diameter spring, "El Charco la Palma" in
the Bolsón de Sandia, Nuevo León, México, was chosen not only for the quality of
the image, but also to call attention to the extremely precarious existence of
this species in the wild, as described in the
species account
provided recently by the photographer.
Esta imagen de Cyprinodon longidorsalis, conocida unicamente de "El Charco la Palma", un manantial de apenas 3 metros de diametro en el Bolsón de Sandia, Nuevo León, México, fue seleccionada tanto por la calidad como para destacar la situación grave en que se encuentra esta especie, lo cual se indica en el resumén sobre su biología provisto por el fotografo.
Click for 44k jpeg. This image of Cichlasoma bartoni from La Media
Luna, San Luis, Potosí, México, is not only excellent, and from an
important and endangered spring habitat of many endangered desert fishes, but
was taken by a DFC Web contributor who has added many fish images to our system
and provided translations of many files to spanish. A sincere thank you to
Juan Miguel Artigas Azas.
Esta imagen de Cichlasoma bartoni en el manantial de la Media Luna, San Luis Potosí, México, es no solo excelente, y de un importante y amenazado habitat en donde se encuentran muchas especies de peces del desierto en peligro. Sino que fue tomada por un contribuidor a la pagina web del DFC, quien ha enviado muchas fotos al sistema asi como llevado a cabo traducciones de muchos archivos al Español. Un agradecimiento sincero a Juan Miguel Artigas Azas.
Click for 37k jpeg. This image of Mogurnda sp 1 (Flinder's Ranges
mogurnda), taken by Neil Armstrong, was chosen to highlight the
Australian Desert Fishes pages. A number of Neil's
great pictures may also be found by browsing through the
Fish Index.
Esta imagen de Mogurnda sp 1 (Flinder's Ranges mogurnda), lograda por Neil Armstrong, fue elegida para resaltar las páginas de los Peces Australianos del Desierto. Varias de las excelentes fotografías de Neil se pueden observar también examinando el Indice de peces.
Click for 25k jpeg. This image of Cichlasoma minckleyi, Cuatro
Ciénegas Cichlid, taken by Ad Konings, was chosen not only for its quality, but
also for its relevance to the new DFC Web pages on
Cuatro Ciénegas. Other
fine images of this
species by the same photographer are also available.
Esta imagen de Cichlasoma minckleyi, la Mojarra de Cuatro Ciénegas, lograda por Ad Konings, fue elegida no solo por su calidad, sino también por su relevancia para las nuevas páginas del CPD sobre Cuatro Ciénegas de Carranza . Se encuentran también disponibles otras magníficas imágenes de esta especie del mismo fotógrafo y otros.
Click for 61k jpeg
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This page last modified: 06 June 2004