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2000 Desert Fishes Council Meeting Information
Furnace Creek Ranch, Death Valley National Park, California
November 16 - 19, 2000
Location | Accommodations | Travel | Registration | Presentations |
Area Reports | Awards | Travel Grants | Resolutions | Other Information |
The 32nd Annual Meeting of DESERT FISHES COUNCIL (DFC) will be hosted by U.S. National Park Service from 16--19 NOV (TH-SUN) 2000 at Furnace Creek Ranch (Death Valley National Park, CA). Registration begins Wednesday afternoon (15th), with an informal cash bar mixer in the hotel pub that evening. A symposium (in development) is scheduled for Thursday morning (16th), while the DFC business meeting and banquet will be Friday afternoon/evening (17th). The Sunday field trip (19th) will visit Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, and perhaps Cottonball Marsh.
HOTEL - Rates are $85.00/day (single or double occupancy; motel or cabin), plus tax. Reservations must be at least 30 days in advance and, to insure refund, cancellations must be within 48 hours of anticipated arrival. Contact Furnace Creek Ranch [(760)-786-2345; Fax 786-2307]. To receive the above discounted room rate, you must indicate you are with DFC when making reservations. Furnace Creek is holding a block of rooms for us until 1 October. Camping is also available; call NPS early to reserve (800-365-CAMP).
TRAVEL TO/FROM DEATH VALLEY via airline/ rental car may be disrupted by the COMDEX Fall 2000 computer convention in Las Vegas (13--17 November). Airline and particularly car reservations must be scheduled far in advance. An option is to fly into Ontario CA and rent a car for travel to DFC. However, this adds 100 additional road miles. Those interested in car pooling and/or room sharing should post requests or offers to our DFC bulletin board. A MEETING REGISTRATION FORM must be received by to avoid a late registration fee. Refunds (less $5.00 processing fee) are possible. Both a 2000 membership form and a preregistration form are mandatory for abstract submittal.
PRESENTATIONS of both oral papers and posters relevant to the mission of the Desert Fishes Council are solicited. No paper or poster will be accepted and scheduled without receipt of 1. correctly formatted electronically submitted abstract, 2. pre-registration, and 3. payment of dues for calendar year 2000 on or before the deadline. Space in the program is limited and order of receipt will determine acceptance.
ALL ABSTRACTS MUST BE SUBMITTED USING OUR ELECTRONIC (BILINGUAL) FORM. Difficulties should be repored to Peter Unmack ( peter.unmack_at_asu.edu) or Dean Hendrickson [voice: (512) 471-9774; webmaster at desertfishes dot org].
AREA REPORTS are coordinated by ecoregion and can be multi-authored; any group can contribute. Contact either Nadine Kanim [(916)-842-5763; nadine_kanim_at_mail.fws.gov], or area coordinators directly. Area report abstracts should be submitted as above.
AWARDS are given every year for best student papers presented at meetings.
LIMITED TRAVEL GRANTS are available to present papers at Death Valley (students and Mexican nationals have priority). The number of grants (and their amount) varies yearly. Generally, 4-5 ($200-$400 each) are awarded. Applications are available on the DFC website and must be completed and submitted by 1 August 2000. Applicants will be notified by 21 August.
RESOLUTIONS must be submitted exactly as abstracts (using the same form) on / before 1 SEPT.
Additional information about the meeting is added, as it becomes available, to this Web page and is also distributed via e-mail to subscribers of DFC-L. Subscribe now if you wish to receive these notices.
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![]() (Dean Hendrickson) |
General information:![]() (E. Phil Pister) |
Sponsored by University of Texas, TNHC Fish | TNHC species Indexes - N. Amer. / Texas |
This page last modified: 06 June 2004