ELECTRONIC FORMAT - All abstracts and manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format. Deadlines for abstracts for the Annual Meeting are announced in mailings to the membership each year. Special arrangements for submission of hard copy only of abstracts (strictly for those without access to computers) may be made each year with the Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee who will set an earlier deadline for such submissions. Formats accepted include diskette (all DOS or Macintosh formats) or electronic mail. Abstracts and manuscripts will be accepted in ASCII format only and must be formatted as described below.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) format files are easily saved from almost any word processor. Often called "Text" or "Text only" files, they are simply files from which all program-specific formatting codes have been stripped. Do not send files saved in your word-processor's unique format (the default way of saving files). To save an abstract as an ASCII file, type text in your word processor, formatting as described below. If sending by E-mail, before saving ASCII file, set margins and/or font so all lines have < 80 characters. If sending a floppy, line lengths < 256 characters are acceptable. Instructions for some word processors follow (actual keystrokes are set in upper case, bold and italicized). If you use another program, consult its documentation.
Ami Pro v.2 (Windows) SAVE AS, ASCII & CR/LF AT LINES & 8 BIT PC-ASCII
WordPerfect(DOS)(v. 5.0/5.1) CONTROL-F5 (=Text out), T or 1 (=DOS Text)
WordPerfect (Windows) SAVE AS, specify ASCII TEXT (DOS)
WordStar open non-document file (N from the menu), CONTROL-Q-Q-B
If submitting a file on floppy disk, name it "DFCABSTR" (if > 1 file being submitted on a single disk, use numeric extensions, e.g. DFCABSTR.01, DFCABSTR.02) and put your name and address, the type of computer you used (Mac or IBM), and "DFCABSTR" on disk label. If E-mail, put "DFC Abstract" in subject line. Receipt of E-mail submissions will be immediately acknowledged via return E-mail. Acknowledgement of receipt of floppy disks will be by ordinary mail. Submission of hard copy is not required, but encouraged since it could be useful if problems are encountered.
ABSTRACT FORMAT REQUIREMENTS - All information must be contained in 8 to 10 blocks (fields) of text separated from each other by a blank line. Abstract length is not limited, but recall the definition of "abstract" and the fact that space equals money. Also recall that translation of your abstract is provided by volunteers.
Since diacritical marks are not in the standard ASCII set of characters, use vertical bars (|) around single characters that need accents or other diacritical marks (e.g., "ma|n|ana" will be translated to mañana and "M|e|xico" will become México. All single characters bounded by vertical bars will be translated as in Spanish (áéíóúñ) unless special notice is given of exceptions by submission of highlighted hard copy. Italicized words or phrases should be surrounded by braces ({}), e.g. {Cyprinodon diabolis} = Cyprinodon diabolis. Each text string so bounded by braces in any part of the file will be placed in the taxonomic index, so any terms (to be italicized or not) which authors wish to have indexed in the taxonomic index should be bracketed. Do not include > 1 name or taxonomic index entry within a single set of brackets. Order, family, and other category names placed in brackets but not normally italicized will be indexed only. Characters bounded by the caret (^) symbol (e.g. ^superscript^) will be set as superscripts in final copy, and those bounded by underscores (e.g. (_subscript_) will be set as subscripts. Do not use these special characters anywhere in text where these special features are not to be invoked, and always use them in pairs (i.e. start and stop special features). See sample abstract below.
Use mixed upper and lower case text throughout (see example). Authors are responsible for checking spelling and grammar. Each line must start on the left margin (i.e. no leading spaces or tabs). Single blank lines are required between text blocks (do not use multiple blank lines) and, are allowable within text blocks only in the abstract text block. Text blocks must be in the order specified below. Blocks 1-8 are required. Follow instructions carefully.
1. The first block is to contain complete mailing information for the author making the presentation or person to whom correspondence should be addressed. Enter as multiple lines exactly as if addressing an envelope.
2. The second block is to contain the list of authors for the abstract. Each name is to be entered as surname, a comma, and initials, and (if applicable), another comma and other designation (e.g. Jr.). Use a semicolon (;) to separate authors' names, and follow all commas and periods with single spaces. Place an asterisk after name of person presenting paper. Maximum allowable number of authors is six.
3. The third block contains the affiliations (Department and Institution or Agency and Office, but not full mailing address) of all authors, in the sequence given in the preceding block of text. Authors' affiliations are to be separated by a semicolon, but use authors initials where possible to indicate multiple authors with the same affiliation.
4. The fourth text block contains the title of the presentation. Use mixed case text, not upper case only.
5. The fifth block of text contains the actual abstract text. Be sure to always use full taxonomic names at least once for indexing purposes. Bracketed strings containing periods will be italicized, but not indexed.
6. The sixth block contains keywords that describe the research. These will be used to compile a combined subject and geographic index for the Proceedings. Begin this block with "KEYWORDS: ", followed by up to 10 keywords (or key phrases) separated by semicolons. There is no need to place taxonomic terms here for indexing since, if they are bracketed elsewhere in the abstract, they will be indexed in the Taxonomic index.
7. The seventh block identifies the type of presentation. Begin with "PRESENTATION: ", then "ORAL" or "POSTER".
8. The eighth block determines the session in which the presentation will be made. Begin this block with "SESSION: ", then either the word "CONTRIBUTED" or "AGENCY". "AGENCY" refers to presentations made a individual designated by the office of a government or private agency to report on general activities of that office or complex of offices (e.g. a Region). "CONTRIBUTED" refers to reports on individual research or management projects, and not office-wide activity reports, even if the work was done by an agency employee.
9. (Optional) If the presentation is to be considered for a student paper award, include a ninth block beginning with "AWARD: " and either "HUBBS", "MILLER", or "BOTH". Eligibility requirements for these awards are given below.
10. (Optional) other text. Enter phone/FAX numbers and presentation needs here, but other information and comments are also welcome. Begin block with "OTHER: " then any text you wish. There is no need for ANY written communication (e.g. Post-it notes, etc.) with submissions - all such extra communications should be entered here).
ENGLISH/SPANISH - Abstracts will be accepted in either language or both. If submitting both, do so as a single abstract with English and Spanish versions of the title in the title block separated by " / " and with versions of the abstract separated by a blank line in the abstract text block (see sample abstract above). Your submissions will be translated and/or proofed by the Spanish Language subcommittee of the DFC Publications Committee, but please provide bilingual submissions if at all possible.
FULL-LENGTH MANUSCRIPTS - Full length manuscripts of papers or posters presented at the meeting will be accepted for publication in the DFC Proceedings. These must be submitted (to the same address as abstracts) in electronic format (as ASCII files). The deadline for submission of manuscripts of papers presented at annual meetings is December 31 of the year of the meeting. Contact the editor before preparing your manuscript to discuss format for figures and graphs. Other format guidelines follow those of The Southwestern Naturalist.
AWARDS - Competitors for the Carl L. Hubbs and Frances H. Miller student paper awards must be the sole author and presenter of the paper and enrolled as a student currently or during the 12 months prior to the presentation. The paper must be based on work done while a student. The Frances H. Miller award additionally stipulates that the recipient be a citizen of a Latin American country. Papers are evaluated by a panel of judges on basis of scientific rigor of research (40%), quality & style of presentation (30%), rigor of analysis and interpretation of data (15%), and quality and use of visual aids (15%). Copies of evaluation forms provided on request.
(sample as for floppy submission - reduce lines to < 80 characters for E-mail)
Johnny Fishseed Agency of Fish and Wildlife Disbursement Hatchery Row Somewhere, New Mexico 87107
Fishseed, J. D.^*^;Growem, B. S., Jr.;Stockem, I.
JDF and BSG - Agency of Fish and Wildlife Disbursement, Main office, Somewhere, NM; IS - Arizona Department of Fish and Game, Regional Office, Littletown, AZ
Status of native fish production and stockings in rivers, streams, springs and other habitats all over the place / Estado actual de producci|o|n de peces y su distribuci|o|n a r|i|os, manantiales y otros habitats sobre toda la regi|o|n.
Twenty seven species native to our area have been produced by the billions (10^9^) at our hatchery and stocked all over the place. Some stockings have worked, others have not. Some fish lived, some died for lack of water (H_2_O). Results will be discussed. Future plans include work with {Cyprinodon} species from M|e|xico.
Se han producido billones (10^9^) de ejemplares de 27 especies nativas a nuestra |a|rea en nuestra estaci|o|n de acuacultura, los cuales se han distribuido a muchos lugares. Algunos introducciones han establecido, otros no. Algunos peces sobrevivieron, otros se murieron por falta de agua (H_2_O). Se discutir|a|n los resultados. Planes futuros incluyen trabajos con especies de {Cyprinodon} de M|e|xico.
KEYWORDS: stocking; propagation; New Mexico; Arizona; hatcheries; M|e|xico; Colorado squawfish; razorback sucker; pupfish
OTHER: Hey Dean - how's it goin? The electronic abstract submission idea is great! But next time don't reduce the instructions to authors to microfische proportions. If problems, my phone/FAX are 1-800-FOR-FISH/1-800-FOR-FAST; need overhead projector; probably best schedule this at end of a session because it is likely that I'll have to cancel it if my agency travel request isn't approved. It would be nice to have it scheduled right after Jose's talk, since he'll be talking about monitoring of the fish we stock. See you in November.
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