MINCKLEY, W.L. Department of Zoology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287- 1501
A Bibliography for Natural History of the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin and Environs, Coahuila, Mexico
Bibliografía de la Historia Natural del Bolsón de Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, México
KEYWORDS: Bibliography; Cuatro Ciénegas
CLAVES: bibliografía; Cuatro Ciénegas
It was suggested at the 1993 meeting of the Desert Fishes Council that it would be useful to all concerned with conservation of Cuatro Ciénegas if a comprehensive bibliography of natural history studies from the area could be compiled and published. Several members and others subsequently provided input which supplemented my initial compilation. By the time this issue of the Proceedings was in press, nearly 500 references had been compiled. It is hoped that publication of this compilation will be useful and will facilitate progress toward conservation of the basin. Perhaps it will also inspire others to provide corrections and their own bibliographies for subsequent publication of revisions and updates.
Una sugerencia hecha durante la reunión del Consejo de Los Peces del Desierto en 1993 fue que sería muy útil para todos una recopilación y publicación de una bibliografía comprensiva sobre estudios de historia natural del área. Varios miembros y otros entonces contribuyeron datos suplementarios a los míos. En la fecha de imprimir este volumen del Proceedings, la bibliografía contó con aproximadamente 500 trabajos. Es mi esperanza que será útil y facilitará progreso hacia la conservación del bolsón. Tal vez animará a otros que provean correcciones y sus propios bibliografías para publicaciones futuros de revisiones y actualizaciones.
The present bibliography has been accumulated and compiled since the late 1950's, but still remains incomplete. Both old and new references have been found and added and errors corrected each year. Some citations (marked with asterisks) also remain less than complete, lacking in pagination or some other feature. It was decided to provide the bibliography in its present form anyway, to stimulate research and interest and emphasize the uniqueness of the remarkable intermontane basin of Cuatro Cienegas in northern Mexico. It should prove useful not only for workers dealing with the immediate area and its biota, but for those dealing with the Chihuahuan Desert in general as well. Hopefully there are not too many errors or omissions. Most papers listed here deal specifically with the Cuatro Cienegas basin and its biota, but some are included because the region, some characteristic organism, or another feature was mentioned or referenced in the context of comparisons, revisionary works, or other such areas or biotic elements.
The bibliography is biased toward aquatic biology, my principal area of research. Fortunately, Professor Donald J. Pinkava, Department of Botany, Arizona State University, helped with botanical literature, Professor Salvador Contreras- Balderas, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, assisted with Mexican references, Dr. Barbara M. Winsborough of Austin, Texas, added citations on stromatolites, and Dr. Clarence J. ("Jack") McCoy, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, tracked contributions in herpetology. Their assistance was deeply appreciated, but any errors or omissions in these areas are clearly my responsibility and should not reflect upon their efforts. Appreciation is further extended in advance for any additions, corrections, or suggestions for deletions, since I intend to continue this compilation for the foreseeable future.
Sadly, Jack McCoy passed away in 1993. This bibliography is dedicated to his memory in fond recollection and heartfelt appreciation for good times in Cuatro Cienegas and elsewhere, and for his years of dedication to conservation in general and specifically of the basin and its biota.
Alessio- Robles, V. 1927. Bibliografía de Coahuila. Distrito Federal, México.
______. 1938. Coahuila y Texas en la Epocha Colonial. Editorial Cultura, Distrito Federal, México.
Allred, Kelly W. & Frank W. Gould. 1983. Systematics of the Bothriochloa saccharioides complex (Poaceae: Andropogoneae). Systematic Botany 8(2):168- 184.
*Almada- Villela, Patricia C. & Salvador Contreras- Balderas. 1984(5?). El Bolsón de Cuatro Cienegas, Coah., Mex. La Reunión Estatal Coah. 22- 23 Marzo 1984. Secretaria de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecologia (SEDUE), Distrito Federal, México.
*______ & ______. 1984(5?). Ibid. La Reunión Regional de Ecología, Norte. 25- 27 Abril 1984. Pp. 125- 129. Ibid.
*______ & ______. 1984(5?). Ibid. La Reunión Nacional sobre Ecología. 5- 9 Junio 1984. Ibid.
Anderson, Christiane. 1972. A monograph of the Mexican and Central American species of Trixis (Compositae). Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 11:1- 68.
Anonymous. 1965. Photograph (with minor text) of Cuatro Cienegas residents interested in conservation, along with William S. Brown, then a graduate student at Arizona State University. El Día, Voz y Expresión de Coahuila, Monclova 12(3971):1 (23 Augosto 1965).
Argano, R. 1974. Mexistenasellus magniezi, n. sp., a blind aquatic isopod from Veracruz, Mexico (Crustacea). Quaderni Academia Nazionale dei Lincei, Problemi Attuali di Scienza e di Cultura 171:97- 103.
Arnold, Elena Troxel 1966. Comparative studies of mating behavior in gambusiin fishes (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae). Master's Thesis. Arizona State University, Tempe USA.
______. 1972. Behavioral ecology of two pupfishes (Cyprinodontidae, genus Cyprinodon) from northern Mexico. Doctoral Dissertation. Arizona State University, Tempe USA.
______. 1983. Pupfishes (genus Cyprinodon) of Cuatro Cienegas: Hybridization in an intermediate habitat. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 5(1972):114 (abstr.).
Ashe, Victor M., David Chiszar & Hobart M. Smith. 1975. Behavior of aquatic and terrestrial turtles on a visual cliff. Chelonia 2(4):3- 7.
Atwood, N. Duane & Donald J. Pinkava. 1977. A new gypsophilous species of Phacelia (Hydrophyllaceae) from Coahuila, Mexico. Madrono 24(4):212- 214.
Auffenberg, Walter. 1958. Fossil turtles of the genus Terrapene in Florida. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum 3(2):53- 92.
______ & William W. Milstead. 1965. Reptiles in the Quaternary of North America. Pp. 557- 567, in H. E. Wright, Jr. & David G. Frey (eds.). The Quaternary of the United States, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey USA.
Austin, Daniel F. & G. W. Staples. 1985. Petropgenia as a synonym of Bonamia (Convolvulaceae). Brittonia 37:310- 316.
Averett, John E. 1979. Biosystematics of the physaloid genera of the Solanaceae in North America. Pp. 493- 504, in J. G. Hawkes, R. N. Lester & A. D. Skelding (eds.). The Biology and Taxonomy of the Solanaceae. Linnaean Society Symposium, Series 7. London, England.
Axtell, Ralph W. 1961. Cnemidophorus inornatus, the valid name for the little striped whiptail lizard, with the description of an annectant subspecies. Copeia 1961(2):186- 191.
Bacon, John D. 1978. Taxonomy of Nerisyrenia (Cruciferae). Rhodora 90(822):159- 227.
Bailey, D. K. & Frank G. Hawksworth. 1979. Pinyons of the Chihuahuan Desert region. Phytologia 44(3):129- 133.
Bailey, D. K. & Tom Wendt. 1979. New pinyon records for northern Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 24(2):389- 390.
Baker, Charles Laurence. 1971. Geologic reconnaissance in the eastern cordillera of Mexico. Geological Society of America Special Paper 131:i- x, 1- 83, 18 pls., 1 map.
Baker, Rollin H. 1956. Mammals of Coahuila. Publications of the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History 9:125- 335.
Barber, Susan C. 1982. Taxonomic studies in the Verbena stricta complex (Verbenaceae). Systematic Botany 7(4):433- 456.
Balogh, P. & E. Greenwood. 1983. Cutsis Balogh, Greenwood and Gonzales, a new genus from Mexico. Phytologia 51(5):297- 298.
Barnard, J. L. & C. M. Barnard. 1983. Freshwater Amphipoda of the World: I. Evolutionary patterns. Hayfield Associates, Mount Vernon, Virginia USA.
______ & ______. 1983. Freshwater Amphipoda of the World: II. Handbook and Bibliography. Ibid.
Barnard, J. L. & G. S. Karaman. 1982. Classificatory revisions in gammaridean Amphipoda (Crustacea). Part 2. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 95:167- 187.
Beauchamp, R. Mitchel. 1980. A new name in American acacias. Phytologia 46(1):5- 9.
Beetle, Alan A. 1981. Noteworthy grasses from Mexico. IX. Ibid. 49(1):33- 43.
Behler, John L. 1971. Coahuila box turtle Terrapene coahuila. Animal Kingdom 74(5):33.
Benson, Lyman. 1982. The Cacti of the United States and Canada. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California USA.
Berry, James F. & Richard Shine. 1980. Sexual size dimorphism and sexual selection in turtles (Order Testudines). Oecologia 44(2):185- 191.
Betancourt, Julio L., Thomas R. Van Devender & Paul S. Martin. 1990. Packrat Middens: The Last 40,000 Years of Biotic Change. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson USA.
Boke, Norman H. 1968. Excursiones de la Universidad de Oklahoma en el Norte de México - 1967. Cactáceas y Suculentas Mexicanas 13:50- 58.
Bose, E. 1921. On the Permian of Coahuila, northern Mexico. American Journal of Science, Fifth Series 1:187- 194.
______. 1923. Vestiges of an ancient continent in northeast Mexico. Ibid. 6:127- 136, 196- 214, 310- 337.
______ & O. A. Cavins. 1927. The Cretaceous and Tertiary of southern Texas and northern Mexico. The University of Texas Bulletin 2748:7- 142, 1 plate.
Bowman, Thomas E. 1982. Speocirolana pubens and S. endeca, new troglobitic isopods from Mexico (Flabellifera: Cirolanidae). Bulletin of the Association of Mexican Cave Studies 8:13- 23 (Bulletin of the Texas Memorial Museum 28:13- 23).
______. 1982. Three new stenasellid isopods from Mexico. Ibid. 8:25- 38 (Ibid. 28:25- 38).
______. 1982. Mysidacea. Pp. 201- 202, in S. H. Hurlbert & A. Villalobos- Figueroa (eds.). Aquatic Biota of Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. San Diego State University, San Diego, California USA.
Boyd, W. C. 1959. A possible example of the action of selection in human blood groups. Journal of Medical Education 34:398- 399.
Bramble, Dennis M. 1974. Emydid shell kinesis: Biomechanics and evolution. Copeia 1974(3):707- 727.
Branson, Branley A. 1970. Notes on gastropods from Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 14:371- 372.
Breckenridge III, F. G. & J. M. Miller. 1982. Pollination biology, distribution, and chemotaxonomy of the Echinocereus ennaeacanthus complex (Cactaceae). Systematic Botany 7(4):365- 378.
Brown, David E. (ed.). 1983. Biotic Communities of the American Southwest- - United States and Mexico. Desert Plants (Boyce Thompson Arboretum, Superior, Arizona, Special Issue 1982) 4(1- 4):1- 342.
______. 1983. Chihuahuan desertscrub. Pp. 169- 179, 330- 331, + lit. cited in Ibid.
Brown, George W., Jr. (ed.). 1968. Desert Biology, Volume 1. Academic Press, New York USA.
______. (ed.). 1974. Ibid., Volume 2. Ibid.
Brown, William S. 1965. La vida de las tortugas. I. El Día, Voz y Expresión de Coahuila, Monclova 12(3973):1, 5 (25 Augosto 1965).
______. 1965. Ibid. II. Ibid. 12(3974):1, 5 (26 Augosto 1965).
______. 1965. Ibid. III. Ibid. 12(3975):1, 5 (28 Augosto 1965).
______. 1966. Ecological observations of the Coahuilan box turtle in northern Mexico. Bulletin of the Philadelphia Herpetological Society 14(2):1 (abstr.).
______. 1967. Natural history of Terrapene coahuila, a relict aquatic box turtle in northern Mexico. Master's Thesis. Arizona State University, Tempe USA.
______. 1971. Morphometrics of Terrapene coahuila (Chelonia, Emydidae) with comments on its evolutionary status. The Southwestern Naturalist 16(2):171- 184.
______. 1974. Ecology of the aquatic box turtle Terrapene coahuila (Chelonia, Emydidae) in northern Mexico. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum 19(1):1- 67.
Burch, J. B. 1982. Freshwater snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of North America. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Contract No. 68- 03- 1280, EPA- 600/3- 82/026.
Burckhardt, C. 1930. Etude synthetique sur le Mesozoique Mexicain. Memoires de la Societe Paleontolique Suisse 40:1- 280.
Camara- Barbachano, Fernando (coordinator). 1964. Simposio: Desarrollo Agrícola de las Comunidades Indígenas y Campesinas. Actas y Memorias Sobretiro del XXXV Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Distrito Federal, México.
Camarillo- R. & F. Rivera- A (eds). Areas Naturales Protegidas en México y Especies en Peligro de Extinción. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Distrito Federal, México.
Campos, H. H. & Clark Hubbs. 1971. Cytomorphology of six species of gambusiine fishes. Copeia 1971(3):566- 569.
Caran, S. C. & Barbara M. Winsborough. 1986. Depositional environments of the Cuatro Cienegas basin, northeastern Mexico- - Inland "Sabkhas" and stromatolitic lakes. Abstracts with Programs, Meeting and Exposition of the Geological Society of America 1986:557 (abstr.).
Casas- Andreu, Gustavo. 1967. Contribución al conocimiento de las tortugas dulceacuícolas de México. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Distrito Federal, México.
Charleston, Santiago. 1974. Stratigraphy, tectonics, and hydrocarbon potential of the Lower Cretaceous, Coahuila Series, Coahuila, Mexico. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor USA.
______. 1981. A summary of the structural geology and tectonics of the state of Coahuila, Mexico. Pp. 28- 36, in C. I. Smith & S. B. Katz (eds.), Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy and structure, northern Mexico. West Texas Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, Publication 81- 74.
Chavez- C., Juan Manuel, Jose Arevalo- Ramirez, Juan Manuel Razo- G. & Pilar Rodriguez- M. 1988. Informe de la Fase de Diagnóstico del Proyecto: Plan de Manejo Integral de la Reserva de la Biósfera "Cuatro Cienegas." Secretaria de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecología (SEDUE), Distrito Federal, México.
Chavez- Ortega, Jesus, Salvador Contreras- Balderas & Maria de Lourdes Lozano- Vilano. 1988. Osteología de Cyprinodon atrorus y C. bifasciatus. I. Cintura pectoral, pélvica y complejo caudal (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae). Memorias del IX Congreso Nacional de Zoología 2:53- 59.
______, ______ & ______. 1990. Osteology of Cyprinodon atrorus and C. bifasciatus. II. Syncranium. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 19(1987):55 (abstr.).
Chiang, Fernando. 1982. Nuevas combinaciones y una nueva variedad de Lycium (Solanaceae) de Norteamerica. Boletin de la Sociedad Botánica de México 43:5- 8.
______. 1982. Estudios cromosómicos en Lycium (Solanaceae) de Norteamerica. Ibid. 43:9- 23.
______, Tom Wendt & Emily J. Lott. 1979. Lycium arochae (Solanaceae), a new species from central Coahuila, Mexico. Madrono 26(4):180- 183.
Chrapliwy, Peter W. 1956. Extensions of known ranges of certain amphibians and reptiles of Mexico. Herpetologica 12:121- 124.
______, Kenneth Williams & Hobart M. Smith. 1961. Noteworthy records of amphibians and reptiles from Mexico. Ibid. 17(2):85- 90.
Clausen, Robert T. 1979. Sedum in six areas of the Mexican Cordilleran Plateau. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 106(3):205- 216.
Cokendolpher, J. C. 1980. Hybridization experiments with the genus Cyprinodon (Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae). Copeia 1980(1):173- 176.
Cole, Charles J. & Laurence M. Hardy. 1981. Systematics of North American colubrid snakes related to Tantilla planiceps (Blainville). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 171(3):199- 284.
Cole, Gerald A. 1963. The American Southwest and Middle America. Pp. 393- 434, in David G. Frey (ed.). Limnology in North America. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison USA.
______. 1968. Desert Limnology. Pp. 423- 485, in George W. Brown, Jr. (ed.). Desert Biology, Volume I. Academic Press, New York USA.
______. 1984. Crustacea from the Bolsón of Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico. Pp. 3- 12, in Paul C. Marsh (ed.). Biota of Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico: Proceedings of a Special Symposium. Fourteenth Annual Meeting, Desert Fishes Council, Tempe, Arizona USA, 18- 20 November 1983. Journal of the Arizona- Nevada Academy of Science 19(1).
______ & W[endell]. L. Minckley. 1966. Speocirolana thermydronis, a new species of cirolanid isopod crustacean from central Coahuila, Mexico. Tulane Studies in Zoology 13(1):17- 22.
______ & ______. 1970. Sphaerolana, a new genus of cirolanid isopod from northern Mexico, with description of two new species. The Southwestern Naturalist 15(1):71- 81.
______ & ______. 1972. Stenasellid isopod crustaceans in the Western Hemisphere- - a new genus and species from Mexico, with a review of other North American freshwater isopod genera. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 84(37):313- 326.
Collins, Joseph T. 1970. Terrapene coahuila (photograph). International Turtle and Tortoise Society 4(3):41.
Conant, Roger. 1965. Miscellaneous notes and comments on toads, lizards, and snakes from Mexico. American Museum Novitates 2205:1- 38.
______. 1969. A review of the water snakes of the genus Natrix in Mexico. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 14:1- 140.
______. 1978. Semiaquatic reptiles and amphibians of the Chihuahuan Desert and their relationships to drainage patterns of the region. Pp. 455- 492, in Roland H. Wauer & David Riskind (eds.). Transactions of the Symposium of the Biological Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region, United States and Mexico. U.S. National Park Service Transactions and Proceedings Series 3(1977), Government Printing Office, Washington, District of Columbia USA.
Contreras-Arquieta, Arturo & Carlos H. Treviño-Saldaña. 1994. Ecological distribution of the lizards of Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 25(1993):44 (abstr.).
Contreras- Balderas, Armando J. 1984. Birds from Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico. Pp. 77- 80, in Paul C. Marsh (ed.). Biota of Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico: Proceedings of a Special Symposium. Fourteenth Annual Meeting, Desert Fishes Council, Tempe, Arizona USA, 18- 20 November 1983. Journal of the Arizona- Nevada Academy of Science 19(1).
Contreras- Balderas, Salvador. 1969. Perspectivas de la ictiofauna en las zonas áridas del norte de México. International Center for Arid and Semi- arid Land Studies (ICASALS) Publication 3:293- 304. Texas Technological University, Lubbock USA.
______. 1978. Biota endémica de Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, México. Memorias Primer Congreso Nacional de Zoología (Chapingo, México) 1:106- 113.
*______. 1978. Lista anotada de especies de peces Mexicanos en peligro o amenazados de extinción en las provincias Sonoriense, Chihuahuense y Tamaulipense. Memorias Segundo Congreso Nacional de Zoología (Monterrey, México) 2:?.
______. 1978. Speciation aspects and man- made community composition changes in the Chihuahuan Desert region, United States and Mexico. Pp. 405- 432, in Roland H. Wauer & David Riskind (eds.). Transactions of the Symposium of the Biological Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region, United States and Mexico. U.S. National Park Service Transactions and Proceedings Series 3(1977). Government Printing Office, Washington, District of Columbia USA.
______. 1984. Environmental impacts in Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico: A commentary. Pp. 85- 88, in Paul C. Marsh (ed.). Biota of Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico: Proceedings of a Special Symposium. Fourteenth Annual Meeting, Desert Fishes Council, Tempe, Arizona USA, 18- 20 November 1983. Journal of the Arizona- Nevada Academy of Science 19(1).
______. 1987. Lista anotada de especies de peces mexicanos en peligro o amenazados de extinción. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 16(1985):58- 65.
______. 1991. Conservation of Mexican freshwater fishes: Some protected sites and species, and recent federal legislation. Pp. 191- 198, in W[endell]. L. Minckley & James E. Deacon (eds.). Battle Against Extinction: Native fish Management in the American West. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson USA.
*______. 1990. Importancia, biota endémica y perspectivas actuales de Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, México. Memorias Primer Simposio Nacional Areas Protegidas 1986 (Distrito Federal).
______. 1994. History of the movement for conservation of Cuatro Ciénegas. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 25(1993):39 (abstr.).
______ & W[endell]. L. Minckley. 1983. The changing status of aquatic habitats of the Cuatro Cienegas Basin, Coahuila, Mexico. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 5(1972):113.
______ & D. C. Purata- Velarde. 1982. Speocirolana guerrai sp. nov., cirolanido troglobio anopthalmo de la Cueva de la Chorrera, Linares, Nuevo León, México (Crustacea: Isopoda). Bulletin of the Association of Mexican Cave Studies 8:1- 12 (Bulletin of the Texas Memorial Museum 28:1- 12).
Correll, Donavan S., Marshall C. Johnston & collaborators. 1970. The Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas. Contributions of the Texas Research Foundation 6:1- 1881.
Crane, H. R. 1956. University of Michigan radiocarbon dates. I. Science 124(3224):664.
______ & J. B. Griffin. 1958. Ibid. II. Ibid. 127:1098- 1105.
______ & ______. 1958. Ibid. III. Ibid. 128:1117- 1123.
Cunliffe, Barry (ed.). 1972. World Archaeology 4(2). Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London, England.
Daniel, Thomas F. 1980. Range extensions of Carlowrightia (Acanthaceae) and a key to the species of the United States. The Southwestern Naturalist 25(3):425- 441.
______. 1980. The genus Justicia (Acanthaceae) in the Chihuahuan Desert. Contributions of the University of Michigan Herbarium 14:61- 67.
Davis, John D. & Crawford G. Jackson, Jr. 1973. Notes on the courtship of a captive male Chrysemys scripta taylori. Herpetologica 29(1):62- 64.
D'arcy, William G. 1976. New names and taxa: Solanaceae. Phytologia 34(3):283.
Deacon, James E. & W[endell]. L. Minckley. 1974. Desert Fishes. Pp. 385- 488, in George W. Brown, Jr. (ed.). Desert Biology, Volume 2. Academic Press, New York USA.
______, Gail Kobetich, James D. Williams, Salvador Contreras- Balderas, et al. 1979. Fishes of North America- - endangered, threatened, or of special concern: 1979. Fisheries (American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland USA.) 4(1):29- 44.
de Leon, A. 1909. Relación y discursos del descubrimiento, población, y pacificación de este nuevo reino de León [1649]. In, Genaro Garcia (ed.). Documentos ineditos y muy raros para la historia de México (volume 25). Distrito Federal, México.
Delgadillo, R. B. 1984. Estudio Ecológico para el Establecimiento de un Parque Nacional in el Valle de Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila. Tesis Profesional, ENEP- I Iztacala, Universidad Autónoma de México, Distrito Federal, México.
Demason, L. 1990. Power Collecting in Mexico. Cichlid News 1990:10- 12.
Dixon, James R. 1959. Geographic variation and distribution of the long- tailed group of the glossy snake, Arizona elegans Kennicott. The Southwestern Naturalist 4(1):20- 29.
______ 1970. Coleonyx brevis. Catalog of American Amphibians & Reptiles 88.1- 88.2.
Dodd, C. Kenneth, Jr. & Edmund D. Brodie, Jr. 1975. Notes on the defensive behavior of the snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina. Herpetologica 31(3):286- 288.
Dowling, Herndon G. 1957. A taxonomic study of the ratsnakes, genus Elaphe Fitzinger. V. The rosalie section. Occasional Papers of the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology 583:1- 22.
Drake, Robert J. 1951. Humboltiana taylori, new species, from northern Coahuila. Revista de la Sociedad Malacologica "Carlos de la Torre" 8(2):93- 96.
Duellman, William E. & Richard G. Zweifel. 1962. A synopsis of the lizards of the sexlineatus group (genus Cnemidophorus). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 123(3):155- 210.
Dunnigan, Bridgett, Douglas M. McElroy & Michael E. Douglas. 1994. Sexual dimorphism and morphological variation in Cichlasoma minckleyi from the Cuatro Ciénegas basin, México. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 25(1993):45 (abstr.).
Echelle, Anthony A. 1989. Conservation genetics and genic diversity in freshwater fishes of western North America. Pp. 141- 154 + lit. cited, in W[endell]. L. Minckley & James E. Deacon (eds.). Battle Against Extinction: Native Fish Management in the American West. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson USA.
______ & Irving L. Kornfield (eds.). 1984. Evolution of Fish Species Flocks. University of Maine at Orono Press, Orono USA.
______, David M. Wildrick & Alice F. Echelle. 1989. Allozyme studies of genetic variation in poeciliid fishes. Pp. 217- 234 + lit. cited, in Gary K. Meffe & Franklin F. Snelson, Jr. (eds.). Ecology and Evolution of Livebearing Fishes (Poeciliidae). Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey USA.
Ekholm, Gordon F. & Gordon R. Willey (eds.). 1966. Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 4. Archaeological Frontiers and External Connections. The University of Texas Press, Austin USA.
Espinosa- Perez, Hector, Patricia Fuentes- Mata, Maria Teresa Gaspar- Dillanes & Virgilio Arenas. 1993. Notes on Mexican ichthyofauna. Pp. 229- 251, in T. P. Ramamoorthy, Robert Bye, Antonio Lot & John Fa (eds.). Biological Diversity of Mexico: Origins and Distribution. Oxford University Press, New York USA & London, England.
Fleet, Robert R. & James R. Dixon. 1971. Geographic variation within the long- tailed group of the glossy snake, Arizona elegans Kennicott. Herpetologica 27(3):295- 302.
Flyr, Lowell D. 1970. A systematic study of the tribe Leucophylleae (Scrophulariaceae). Doctoral Dissertation, University of Texas, Austin, Texas USA.
Fowler, Beverly Ann & Billie L. Turner. 1977. Taxonomy of Selinocarpus and Ammocodon (Nyctaginaceae). Phytologia 37(3):177- 208.
Frank, G. R. W. 1981. Echinocereus freudenbergeri G.R.W. Frank. Kakteen u. a. Sukkulenten 32(5):102- 105.
Frey, David G. (ed.). 1963. Limnology in North America. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison USA.
Friedman, Marcie. 1987. A preliminary report on parental care in Cuatro Cienegas cichlids. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 16(1984):52 (abstr.).
______. 1987. Las mojarras de Cuatro Ciénegas. Ibid. 16(1984):53 (abstr.).
Fritz, Uwe. 1981. Zwei interessante mexicanische Schmuckschildkroten der Gattung Chrysemys Gray, 1844. Herpetofauna 14:25- 32.
Frost, Darrel R. & Thomas R. van Devender. 1979. The relationships of the ground snakes Sonora semiannulata and S. episcopa (Serpentes: Colubridae). Occasional Papers of the Louisiana State University Museum of Zoology 52:1- 9.
Fryxell, Paul A. 1976. Batesiumalva y Meximalva, dos géneros nuevos de Malvaceas mexicanas. Boletin de la Sociedad Botánica de México 35:23- 36.
______. 1977. New species of Malvaceae from Mexico and Brazil. Phytologia 37(4):285- 316.
______. 1978. Neotropical segregates from Sida L. (Malvaceae). Brittonia 30(4):285- 316.
______. 1978. Sidus Sidarum. II. Sida 7(3):227- 231.
Fulger, Charles M. & Robert G. Webb. 1956. Distributional notes on some reptiles and amphibians from southern and central Coahuila. Herpetologica 12:167- 171.
Garay, L. A. A genetic revision of the Spiranthinae. Botanical Museum Leaflets (Harvard University) 28(4):277- 425.
Garcia-Salas, Juan A. & Armando J. Contreras-Balderas. 1994. Zoogeography and some biological indexes of the ornithofauna of microphyllic desertic underbrush of creosote bush and ocotillo in Cuatro Cienegas valley, Coahuila, Mexico. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 25(1993):43 (abstr.).
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