Hotel Reservation Form

Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, México

12 to 16 November, 2008

All hotels in Cuatro Ciénegas are included in this list. We anticipate that this meeting will use most, and likely nearly fill them. In other words, the sooner you make your reservations, the more likely you are to get the room you want.

To help everyone coming to the meeting, especially those who don't speak Spanish, we have summarized the full range of hotel accommodations available in the hotel choices table (if you wish to camp see the meeting web page). Please follow the instructions carefully and submit the form below to have your reservation made for you by members of the local committee. Upon submitting the completed form you will immediately receive a confirmation of the submission by email, and within one week can expect to receive another email confirming that your reservation was made. Contact the meeting hosts with any questions or problems.

In the form below you can provide a ranking of your room preferences, but submission of the form will result in only one reservation - the first in your preference ranking that is available. To reserve more than 1 room you should submit the form more than one time and explain that you are doing that in the comments field of the form.

  1. Download and review the hotel choices table. You may want to print it for easy reference, but the choices available below match those in the table. Note that most hotels now have websites where you can learn more about them.
  2. You may also wish to consult our interactive map of the town to get a feel for locations of hotels relative to the meeting location (Casa de Cultura) and other services.
  3. Fill out the form below, indicating the "reservation codes" corresponding to your preferences. The reservation codes are found both in the yellow-highlighted column of the hotel choices table and are the first number in the selections available in the form below:

Room code for reservations (note there are 38 options) / Codigo para reservación (nota que son 38 opciones)

is my first choice / es mi primera preferencia


Room code for reservations (note there are 38 options) / Codigo para reservación (nota que son 38 opciones)

is my second choice / es mi segunda preferencia


Room code for reservations (note there are 38 options) / Codigo para reservación (nota que son 38 opciones)

is my third choice / es mi tercera preferencia


Room code for reservations (note there are 38 options) / Codigo para reservación (nota que son 38 opciones)

is my fourth choice / es mi cuarta preferencia

Last Name / Apellido(s)
First Name / nombre

NOTE: Paper sessions begin on the morning of the 13th. Organized field trips are on the 16th and will require most of that day. / Sesiones de trabajos técnicos empiezan el día 13 y las salidas al campo organizadas ocuparán todo el día 16.

Arrival date / fecha de llegada (if other than those available in the list, note your arrival date in the comments field below / Si no se encuentra la fecha deseada en la lista, apuntela en comentarios más abajo).

Departure date / fecha de salida (if other than those available in the list, note your departure date in the comments field below. / Si no se encuentra la fecha deseada en la lista, apuntela en comentarios más abajo.

Email to use to send confirmations / email donde enviar confirmación

 Additional comments / Comentarios adicionales:

Please note that changing currency exchange rates and other factors beyond our control do not allow us to guarantee any room rates. / Favor de notar que varianza de la taza de cambio y otros factores fuera de nuestro control no nos permite garantizar tarifas.

Please enter the words you see in the box, in order and separated by a space. Doing so helps prevent automated programs from abusing this online form.

If you are not sure what the words are, either enter your best guess or click the reload button refesh view iconunder the distorted words (just above the speaker icon).

Visually impaired users can click the audio button to hear a set of digits that can be entered instead of the visual challenge.

Favor de teclear las palabras visibles en el cuadro como aparecen ahí. Hacer esto evita spam y abuso de este sistema.

Si no puede leer usted las palabras, puede hacer clik sobre el icono de reciclar Refresh view iconpor debajo de las palabras.

Usuarios con limitaciones de vista pueden hacer clik sobre el icono de bocino para escuchar las palabras en vez de intentar leerlas.

Finally, click this button to submit your reservation request to the local committee. An automated general confirmation of successful submission of your reservation request should display shortly, but later (within a week) your reservation will be personally made by the meeting staff and a detailed confirmatory email will be sent to you. Please print that email and bring it with you to the meeting.

If you wish to start over, click the button.


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(E. Phil Pister)
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This page last modified:  23 August 2008