Annual Meeting Death Valley
National Park 16--19
November 2000
(16 November)
(P. Pister, Moderator)
08:45:00 AM - Greetings from DFC
Executive Secretary and Chair of Local Committee - Pister, EP*1
(1 Desert Fishes Council, Bishop, California)
08:50:00 AM - Welcome to Furnace
Creek and Death Valley National Park - Martin, R*1
(1 Death Valley National Park, Furnace Creek, California)
(G. Garrett, Moderator)
09:00:00 AM - Desert fishes research
and management in Texas during 2000 - Garrett, GP*1; Edwards,
RJ2; Allan, NL3
(1 Texas Parks
& Wildlife, HOH Research Station; 2 University of Texas-Pan American,
Department of Biology; 3 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
09:15:00 AM - Overview of native fish
research and management in the Upper Rio Grande Basin of Colorado and New
Mexico during 2000 - Swift-Miller, S*1; Chubb, S2
(1 U.S. Forest Service, Rio Grande National Forest, Monte Vista, CO; 2
U.S. Forest Service, Southwestern Regional Office, Albuquerque, NM)
09:30:00 AM - Native fish research
and management in New Mexico during 2000 - Brooks, J*1; Propst,
D2; Dudley, R3; Hoagstrom, C1; Monzingo, J4;
Platania, S3; Smith, J1
(1 U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service; 2 New Mexico Department of Game and Fish; 3 University
of New Mexico; 4 U.S. Forest Service)
09:45:00 AM - Upper Colorado River
Basin area report - Modde, T*1; Crist, L2
(1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; 2 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation)
10:00:00 AM - Bonneville Basin annual
area report - Andersen, ME*1 (1
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources)
10:15:00 AM - Oregon area report -
White, R*1; Young, D1; Reid, S1
(1 US Fish and Wildlife Service)
10:30:00 AM - Northern Nevada area
report - Cook, AE*1; Byers, SB*2
(1 Nevada Division of Wildlife; 2 USFWS, Nevada Fish & Wildlife Office)
10:45:00 AM - Native fish and
amphibian management in southern Nevada - Stein, JR*1;
Heinrich, JE1; Sjoberg, JF1; Hobbs, BM1; St.
George, D2
(1 Nevada Division of Wildlife; 2 US Fish and Wildlife Service, Ash
Meadows NWR)
11:00:00 AM - California State agency
report - Miller, R*1; Threloff, D2; Keeney, S1;
Becker, D1; Knowles, G3; Reid, S3;
Bentivoglio, A3
(1 California Department of Fish and Game; 2
Death Valley National Park; 3 US Fish and Wildlife Service)
11:15:00 AM - Lower Colorado River
area report - Stefferud, J*1; Bettaso, R2; Minckley,
C3; Stefferud, S4; Clarkson, R5; Tibbitts, T6;
Myers, T7; Rinne, J8
(1 USDA Forest
Service, Tonto National Forest; 2 Arizona Game and Fish Department, Nongame
Branch; 3 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Fisheries Resource Office; 4
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services Field Office; 5
Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office; 6 National Park Service, Organ
Pipe Cactus National Monument; 7 USDA Forest Service, Apache-Sitgreaves
national forests; 8 USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station)
11:30:00 AM - Study and conservation
of native fishes in the northwest region of Mexico: overview 2000 -
Varela-Romero, A*1; Davila-Paulin, JA2; Minckley, CO3;
Najera, SN4; Campoy-Favela, JR5; Garcia-Hernandez, J6;
Yruretagoyena, C7; Ellis, ME8 (1
DICTUS, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora.; 2 Reserva de la Biosfera
Gran Desierto de Altar y el Pinacate SEMARNAP, El Pinacate, Son.; 3 Arizona
Fisheries Resources Office, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Park, AZ.; 4 US
National Park Service, Las Cruces, NM.; 5 Reserva de la Biosfera Alto Golfo de
California y Delta del Río Colorado SEMARNAP, San Luis R.C./Instituto del
Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de Sonora (IMADES), Estación de Campo
Golfo de Santa Clara, San Luis R.C., Son.; 6 Deptartment of Soil Water and
Environmental Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.; 7 Centro Regional
de Estudios Ambientales, A.C. (CREAS), Mexicali, B.C.; 8 Imperial National
Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Martínez Lake, AZ.)
11:45:00 AM - Northeast Mexico
coordinator's report - Contreras-Balderas, S*1
(1 Bioconservación A.C., Monterrey, N.L., México)
ALMUERZO (1200-1400
02:00:00 PM - Using GIS and GPS to
map the seasonal distribution and relative density of Independence Valley
speckled dace and Independence Valley tui chub - Rissler, PH*1;
Scoppettone, GG1; Shea, SS1; Byers, S2
(1 USGS, BRD, Western Fisheries Research Center, Reno Field Station; 2
USFWS, Nevada Fish and Wildlife Office)
02:15:00 PM - Flow variation and
proposed management to enhance Colorado pikeminnow and razorback sucker in the
Green River subbasin - Modde, T*1 (1
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
02:30:00 PM - A new tool for an old
problem: microsatellite DNA and polymorphism of Cichlasoma minckleyi in Cuatro
Ciénegas, Coahuila - García de León, FJ1; Hendrickson, DA*2
(1 Laboratoria de Biología Integrativa, Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad
Victoria, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, México; 2 Texas Memorial Museum and
Section of Integrative Biology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas,
02:45:00 PM - Selection forces and
extinction risk of the humpback chub (Gila cypha) in the Grand Canyon -
Van Haverbeke, DR*1
(1 United States Fish
& Wildlife Service)
03:00:00 PM - Exotic species and the
decline of amphibians: unintended consequences on a global scale -
Vredenburg, VT*1
(1 Univ. of California, Dept. of Integrative
Biology and Museum of Vertebrate Zoology)
03:15:00 PM - Desert pupfish
movements among habitats around the Salton Sea - Sutton, RJ*1
(1 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation)
03:30:00 PM - Deterioration of
Phantom Lake Spring, Jeff Davis County, Texas - Allan, NL*1
(1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Austin Field Office)
Scoppettone, Moderator)
03:45:00 PM - Determining the
interspecific competitive effects of the invasive African jeweled cichlid,
Hemichromis guttatus, on the endemic Cichlasoma minckleyi in Cuatro Ciénegas,
México - Williamson, CA*1; Guevara, AA; Moline, AB;
Hendrickson, DA; Marks, JC
(1 Northern Arizona University; 2 Instituto
Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria; 3 Northern Arizona University; 4
University of Texas at Austin; 5 Northern Arizona University)
04:00:00 PM - Emergency monitoring
program for elimination and control of the exotic species of fishes, snails
and plants of the Cuatro Ciénegas Valley, Coahuila, México -
Lozano-Vilano, ML*1; García-Ramírez, ME1;
Contreras-Balderas, S2; Contreras-Balderas, AJ1
(1 Universidad
Autónoma de Nuevo León; 2 Bioconservación, A.C.)
04:15:00 PM - Managing nonnative
aquatic species impacts: Implementation of the 1994 Central Arizona Project
biological opinion - Stefferud, SE*1; Marsh, PC2;
Clarkson, RW3
(1 U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Phoenix, AZ; 2 Arizona State University, Department of
Biology, Tempe, AZ; 3 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix, AZ)
04:30:00 PM - First true freshwater
crab found in US - at Lake Las Vegas! - Cook, AE*1
(1 Nevada Division of Wildlife)
04:45:00 PM - Infection relationships
between an exotic digenetic trematode and native fishes in springs of west
Texas - McDermott, KS*1; Brandt, TM1
(1 USFWS, National Fish Hatchery & Technology Center)
05:00:00 PM - Blue tilapia
(Oreochromis aurea) predation on native fishes of the Muddy River, Nevada -
Scoppettone, GG*1; Antonio Salgado, J2; Nielsen, MB3
(1 USGS-BRD, Reno Field Station; 2 USGS-BRD, Reno Field Station; 3
USGS-BRD, Reno Field Station)
FRIDAY MORNING (17 November)
POECILIIDAE (A.F. Echelle, Moderator)
08:45:00 AM - Genealogical
relationships among species of the genus Poeciliopsis - Mateos, M*1;
Sanjur, OI2; Vrijenhoek, RC1 (1
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute; 2 NAOS Marine Lab, Smithsonian
Tropical Research Institute, Panama)
09:00:00 AM - Renovation and habitat
restoration for Gila topminnow (Poeciliopsis o.occidentalis) in the Bylas
Springs complex - Schleusner, C*1 (1
USFWS Arizona Fishery Resources Office)
09:15:00 AM - Winter reproduction of
introduced poeciliids in warm springs - Phelps, J1; Wald, M*2;
Unmack, PJ3
(1 Arizona State
University, Department of Biology; 2 Arizona State University, Department of
Biology; 3 Arizona State University, Department of Biology)
09:30:00 AM - Disease resistance in
the endangered Gila topminnow - Giese, AR*1; Hedrick, PW1
(1 Arizona State University, Department of Biology)
09:45:00 AM - Effect of feeding
regime on Gambusia cannibalism - Hubbs, C*1
(1 University of Texas, Integrative Biology
Echelle, Moderator)
10:00:00 AM - Genetic status of Leon
Springs pupfish after renovation in response to genetic introgression by an
introduced pupfish - Echelle, AA*1; Echelle, AF1;
Kiner, L1
(1 Oklahoma State
University, Zoology Department)
10:15:00 AM - Hybridization among
suckers of the Klamath River basin, California-Oregon - Dowling, TE*1;
Carson, EW1; Markle, DF2; Cavalluzzi, MR2;
Simon, D2
(1 Arizona State
University, Department of Biology; 2 Oregon State University, Department of
Fisheries and Wildlife)
10:30:00 AM - Ecological forces
leading to replacement of Pecos pupfish (Cyprinodon pecosensis) by its hybrids
with Sheepshead minnow (C. variegatus) - Rosenfield, JA*1;
Angon, T1; Cain, S1; Jaeger, J1; Sandoval, CM1
(1 University of New Mexico, Dept. of Biology)
10:45:00 AM - Hybridizing subspecies
of Poeciliopsis occidentalis - Hurt, CR*1
(1 Arizona State University, Department of Biology)
Holden, Moderator)
11:00:00 AM - Juvenile growth of
native fishes in the Little Colorado River: Implications for thermal
modification of the Colorado River - Robinson, AT*1; Childs, MR1
(1 Arizona Game and Fish Department)
11:15:00 AM - Upper Colorado River
Recovery Program endangered fish stocking results - Czapla, TE*1
(1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
11:30:00 AM - Habitat characteristics
used by razorback suckers released into the Imperial Division, Lower Colorado
River, California-Arizona; Phase III synopsis and overview of Phase IV -
Gurtin, S*1; Bradford, R1
(1 Arizona Game and Fish Department, Research Branch)
11:45:00 AM - Factors affecting the
success of stocking woundfin in the Lower Virgin River - Golden, ME*1;
Holden, PB1; Heinrich, J2; Abate, PD1
(1 BIO/WEST Inc., Logan UT; 2 Nevada Division of Wildlife, Boulder City
ALMUERZO (1200-1400
(M. Douglas, Moderator)
02:00:00 PM - Temporal and spatial
use of a spawning site in the middle Green River by razorback suckers -
Modde, T1; Kitcheyan, DC*1; Bowen, Z2
(1 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; 2 U.S. Geological Survey)
02:15:00 PM - Evolutionary history of
populations of Pantosteus discobolus from the Little Colorado River in Arizona
and New Mexico - Secor, CL*1 (1
Arizona State University, Department of Biology)
02:30:00 PM - Distribution,
movements, and habitat use of razorback suckers in Lake Mohave, Arizona-Nevada
- Mueller, G1; Marsh, PC2; Knowles, GW*3;
Wolters, T4
(1 U.S. Geological
Survey; 2 Arizona State University, Department of Biology; 3 U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service; 4 Bureau of Reclamation)
02:45:00 PM - Razorback sucker
studies on Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona, 1999-2000 - Abate, PD*1;
Holden, PB1; Ruppert, JB1 (1
BIO/WEST Inc., Logan UT)
03:00:00 PM - Phylogeography of the
Rio Grande sucker, Catostomus plebeius, in New Mexico - McPhee, MV*1;
Turner, TF1
(1 Department of
Biology, University of New Mexico)
03:15:00 PM - Escape response
performance in the larval razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus - Wesp, HM*1;
Gibb, AC1
(1 Northern Arizona
University, Department of Biology)
03:30:00 PM - Effects of temperature
on swimming performance of young-of-the-year flannelmouth sucker - Ward,
(1 University of Arizona, Fish and Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit)
03:45:00 PM - Phylogeography of
Sonoran sucker, Catostomus insignis - Douglas, ME*1; Douglas,
(1 Arizona State University, Department of Biology and Museum)
(P. Pister/D. Propst, Moderators)
(M.R. Douglas, Moderator)
08:45:00 AM - Contrasting patterns of
mitochondrial and nuclear gene introgression in two pupfish endemic to the
Cuatro Cienegas basin, Mexico - Carson, EW*1
(1 Arizona State University,Department of Biology)
09:00:00 AM - Temperature effects on
growth of juvenile humpback chubs - Figiel, C Jr*1; Jackson, M1;
Ulibarri, M1
(1 U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service)
09:15:00 AM - Natural selection on an
allozyme locus in the White Sands pupfish? - Miller, KM*1
(1 North Dakota State University)
09:30:00 AM - Translocations and
costs of parasitism for White Sands pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa) -
Collyer, ML*1
(1 North Dakota State University)
09:45:00 AM - Temporal genetic
variation and the effective population size in the silvery minnow, Hybognathus
amarus: a preliminary evaluation - Turner, TF*1; Alo, D1
(1 University of New Mexico, Department of Biology and Museum of
Southwestern Biology)
10:00:00 AM - Comparison of
Cichlasoma minckleyi ram and suction feeding kinematics to those of other
cichlid fishes - Hulsey, CD*1
(1 Center for
Population Biology: Section of
Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis)
10:15:00 AM - Genetic variation in
speckled dace from the Virgin River basin (UT,
AZ, NV) - Douglas, MR*1; Warrack, SR1;
Douglas, ME1
(1 Arizona State University, Department of
Biology and Museum)
FISHES (T. Modde, Moderator)
10:30:00 AM - Theoretical and
empirical investigations of larval fish drift in Aravaipa Creek, Arizona -
Keithley, RK*1; Schwemm, MR1; Minckley, WL1
(1 Department of Biology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.)
10:45:00 AM - A newly documented
locality for the desert chub (Gila eremica) in a tropical canyon, Río Mátape
basin, Sonora, México - Varela-Romero, A*1
(1 DICTUS, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Son.)
11:00:00 AM - Native fish
conservation and the Central Arizona Project - Marsh, PC*1;
Clarkson, RW2; Stefferud, SE3 (1
Arizona State University, Department of Biology, Tempe AZ; 2 U.S. Bureau of
Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office, Phoenix AZ; 3 U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Arizona Ecological Services Field Office, Phoenix AZ)
11:15:00 AM - Conservation genetics
of Siphateles bicolor, a threatened desert endemic - Serway, CN*1;
Wilcox, JL1; Stein, J2; Martin, AP1
(1 University of Colorado at Boulder & Nevada Division of Wildlife; 2
Nevada Division of Wildlife)
11:30:00 AM - Monitoring and
conservation efforts for the desert pupfish Cyprinodon macularius and the
Quitobaquito pupfish, C. eremus, on La Biosefera Alto Golfo de California y
Delta del Rio Colorado y La
Biosfera El Pinacate y Gran Desierto de Altar, and Baja del Norte -
Minckley, CO*1; Campoy-Favela, JR2; Davila-Paulin, JA3;
Thorson, MS1; Schleusner, CJ4
(1 Arizona
Fisheries Resources Office, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 60911 Hwy 95, Parker, Arizona 85344; 2 La Biosefera Alto
Golfo de California y Delta del Rio Colorado, SEMARNAP, A. P.452, San Luis Rio
Colorado, Sonora, Mexico, C.P. 83400; 3 La Biosfera El Pinacate y Gran
Desierto de Altar, SEMARNAP, A.P.
125, Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico, C.P. 83550; 4 Arizona Fisheries Resources
Office, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 710, Peridot, Arizona 85542)
11:45:00 AM - Aspects of the life
history of the roundtail chub, Gila robusta (Cyprinidae), in the Yampa River
canyon, Colorado - Ross, ST*1; Modde, TC2
(1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern
Mississippi; 2 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Colorado River Fish Project)
ALMUERZO (1200-1400)
(J. Rinne, Moderator)
02:00:00 PM - A national program for
monitoring stream conditions in the western United States - Baker, JR*1;
Kepner, WG2; Chaloud, DJ2; Kinney, WL1;
Hamilton, ME1; Jones, KB2 (1
Lockheed Martin Environmental Services; 2 U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Las Vegas)
02:15:00 PM - Identifying areas of
conservation priority for native fishes in the Gila River Basin using GIS -
Unmack, PJ*1; Minckley, WL1
(1 Arizona
State University, Department of Biology)
02:30:00 PM - Cienega Creek stream
restoration project - Simms, JR*1 (1 US
Bureau of Land Management)
02:45:00 PM - Recovery status of the
Apache trout Oncorhynchus apache - Ruiz, LR*1; Gatewood, T2;
Novy, JR3; Young, K4; Ward, J5
(1 USFWS, Arizona Fishery Resources Office; 2 White Mountain Apache
Tribe, Wildlife and Outdoor Recreation Division; 3 Arizona Game and Fish
Department; 4 Arizona Game and Fish Department; 5 USFS, Apache/Sitgreaves
National Forest)
03:00:00 PM - Significance of
fluvial, sand-bed habitat to desert river minnow conservation - Hoagstrom,
(1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, New Mexico Fishery Resources Office)
03:15:00 PM - Status of the Amargosa
toad and habitat within the Oasis Valley, Nevada - Stein, JR*1;
Hobbs, BM1; Wasley, GA1
(1 Nevada
Division of Wildlife)
03:30:00 PM - Recent changes in fish
statistics: Verde River, Arizona - Rinne, JN*1
(1 USDA, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station)
Unmack, Moderator)
03:45:00 PM - Community structure and
food web dynamics in Devils Hole, Nevada - Wilson, KP*1; Blinn,
DW1; Threloff, D2; Herbst, D3
(1 Northern Arizona University, Department of Biology; 2 Death Valley
National Park; 3 Sierra Nevada Aquatics Research Lab)
04:00:00 PM - Ecology and status of
Ash Meadows naucorid populations - Parker, MS*1; Scoppettone,
GG2; Neilsen, MB2
(1 Southern
Oregon Universiy, Department of Biology; 2 US Geological Survey, Reno Field
04:15:00 PM - Desert fishes of the
past: archaeological fish remains from Owens Valley, California - Butler,
VL*1; Delacorte, MG2
(1 Portland
State University; 2 California State University, Sacramento)
04:30:00 PM - Ash Meadows: a
photographic perspective 1938-2000 - Webster, T*1; Unmack, PJ
(1 Desert Springs Action Committee; 2 Arizona State University,
Department of Biology)
Photophobic reactions in hydrobiid
snails from the Owens Valley, California - Bowler, PA*1
(1 University of California, Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
and White Mountain Research Station, 3000 E. Line Street, Bishop, CA)
Feeding ecology and habitat of the
threespine stickleback, {Gasterosteus} {aculeatus} {microcephalus}, in a
threatened population of northwestern Baja California, México -
Ruiz-Campos, G*1; Sánchez-Gonzáles, S1;
Contreras-Balderas, S2
(1 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California,
Ensenada, B.C., México; 2 Bioconservación, A.C., San Nicolás de los Garza,
N.L., México)
Effect of introduced crayfish on
growth of two native fishes of the Colorado River basin - Carpenter, J*1;
McIvor, CC1
(1 US Geological
Survey, Biological Resources Division)
Temperature tolerances and habitat
conditions for Bonneville cutthroat trout in the Thomas Fork of the Bear
River, Wyoming. - Johnstone, H C*1; Rahel, F J
(1 University of Wyoming, Department of Zoology and Physiology; 2
University of Wyoming, Department of Zoology and Physiology)
Bait and switch: attraction of tui
chub to baited traps - Hartshorn, E*1; Tobey, T N1
(1 Bishop Union High School, CA)
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This page last modified: 06 June 2004