Wednesday, November 17, 1999
19:00 Ice Breaker / Rompe Hielos - Tio Pancho's, 12 Olivia Ramirez street. Buses leave Hotel Everest at 19:00, return at 0:00 and 01:00 hrs. Registration desk open 16:00 - 22:00 in lobby of Hotel Everest.
Thursday, November 18, 1999
9:30 Inauguration / Inauguración
- Recepción de invitados / Reception of invited guests
- Honores a la bandera mexicana / Honor the Mexican flag
- Presentación de Invitados / Introduction of invited speakers
- Bienvenida por parte del Director del ITCV / Welcoming address, Director of the Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria
- Intervención del presidente del DFC Gary Garrett / Address of the DFC president, Gary Garrett
- Mensaje del Sr Bruce Babbitt por conducto del Dr. William Brown / Message from the Honorable Bruce Babbitt - Dr. William Brown, Science Advisor to the Secretary of the Interior of the United States
- Inauguración por parte del Gobernador Constitucional o representante / Inauguration by the Governor of Tamaulipas or his representative
11:00 Break / Descanso
11:15 Conferencia por parte del Delegado de SEMARNAP / Conference organized by the Tamaulipan Delegate of SEMARNAP
12:30 Bienvenidos y anuncios - Secretario Ejecutivo del CPD, E. Phil Pister / Welcoming remarks and announcements - DFC Executive Secretary E. Phil Pister
15:00 Reid, S*; Bentivoglio, A; Allen, C; White, R; Young, D; Roy, R - Oregon desert fishes projects (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) - 1999
15:15 Garrett, GP*; Edwards, RJ - Desert fishes research and management in Texas during 1999
15:30 Chubb, L*; Swift-Miller, SM; Alves, J - Overview of native desert fish management across U.S. Forest Service system lands of Arizona, New Mexico, and southern Colorado
15:45 Propst, DL*; Brooks, JE; McCarthy, P; Platania, SP; Snyder, AM; Turner, T - Native fish research and management in New Mexico during 1999
16:00 Stein, JR*; Heinrich, JE; Hobbs, BM; Sjoberg, JC - Native fish and amphibian management in southern Nevada
16:15 Miller, R; Parmenter, S*; Keeney, S; Threloff, D; Knowles, G; Nicol, K - Agency report for the southern California ecoregion
16:30 Pfeifer, FK* - Annual report on endangered Colorado River fishes -- Upper Basin
16:45 Brooks, JE*; Propst, DL - A new obstacle to recovery of Gila Trout: Unauthorized stocking of nonnative salmonids
17:00 Hendrickson, DA*; Findley, LT; Espinosa Pérez, H - Mexican trouts - the need for status surveys and research
19:30 Jensen, B - Mexican trout roundtable discussion
Friday, November 19, 1999
9:00 Ward, L* - Swimming performance of young-of-the-year flannelmouth suckers
9:15 Hoagstrom, CW* - Native Fishes in the Pecos River, New Mexico
9:30 Heinrich, JE*; Sjoberg, JC - Reestablishment of the Virgin spinedace in Nevada
9:45 Saiki, MK; Martin, BA; Knowles, GW*; Barrett, PJ - A preliminary assessment of environmental variables associated with variations in abundance of the Santa Ana sucker
10:00 Fuentes Mata, P*; Anislao Tolentino, V; Espinosa Perez, H - Changes in the fish community of the lower Río Balsas, Michoacán - Guerrero / Cambios en la comunidad de peces de la cuenca baja del Río Balsas, Michoacán - Guerrero
10:15 Brouder, MJ* - Native/Nonnative fish interactions in the Verde River, Arizona
10:30 Osmundson, DB* - Colorado pikeminnow in the upper Colorado River: a status update
11:15 Holden, PB*; Heinrich, J; Abate, PD; Converse, Y - The effect of red shiner removal prior to stocking woundfin in the lower Virgin River, Nevada
11:30 Alder, L* - A reasonable approach to protecting the Virgin River's native fish
11:45 Minckley, CO* - Report on the discovery, spread, and agency response to giant salvinia in the Lower Colorado River
12:00 Holden, P* - Bonneville Basin report, 1999
12:15 Czapla, TE* - Status of endangered fish propagation activities in the Upper Colorado River Basin
12:30 Herrera Castillo, JM*; Cárdenas Reygadas, R; García de León, FJ - Preliminary results of reproductive studies of alligator gar Atractosteus spatula Lacépède in Vicente Guerrero Reservoir Tamaulipas, México / Resultados preliminares de algunos aspectos reproductivos del catán, Atractosteus spatula Lacépède, en la Presa Vicente Guerrero, Tamaulipas, México
12:45 González García, L*; García de León, FJ - Age and growth in the alligator gar, Atractosteus spatula Lacépède, in Vicente Guerrero Reservoir, Tamaulipas, Mexico / Edad y crecimiento en el catán, Atractosteus spatula Lacépède, en la Presa Vicente Guerrero, Tamaulipas, México
15:00 Abate, PD*; Holden, PB; Jack, JB - Evaluation of a lake-wide razorback sucker sampling method on Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona
15:15 Ruppert, JB*; Holden, PB; Abate, PD - Determining the age structure of the razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus population in Lake Mead
15:30 de la Rosa Reyna, XF*; Dobler, M; Schlupp, I; García de León, FJ - Habitat diversity of Poecilia formosa in the Río Purificación of the state of Tamaulipas / Diversidad de habitat en Poecilia formosa en el Río Purificación del estado de Tamaulipas
15:45 Modde, T*; Anderson, R; Irving, DB - Use of a stream profile model to estimate baseflow needs of endangered fishes
16:00 Reid, S*; Lorion, C; Markle, D; Docker, M; Forbes, T; Peets, S - Rediscovery of the Miller Lake lamprey, Lampetra minima
16:15 Hendrickson, DA*; Marks, JC; Cohen, AE; Dinger, EC; Stephens, MJ; Dávila Paulin, J; Hungate, B; McCready, R - Aquatic ecosystem studies in Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, México: An overview / Estudios de ecosistemas acuáticos en Cuatro Ciénegas: Una sobrevista
16:30 Marks, JC; Hungate, BA; Hendrickson, DA*; Dinger, EC; Cohen, AE; Stevens, MJ - Stable isotopes reveal differences in diet among Cichlasoma minckleyi morphs in the Cuatro Ciénegas basin / Isótopos estables revelan diferencias en dieta entre los morfos de Cichlasoma minckleyi en la cuenca de Cuatro Ciénegas
16:45 Hilwig, KD*; Morgan, KB; Burke, TA - A modified minnow trap to reduce fish entrapment during crayfish removal efforts
18:00 POSTERS / CARTELES - Autores de carteles presentes con sus trabajos por 30 minutos para responder a preguntas / Poster authors at their posters for 30 minutes to answer questions
19:30 DFC BANQUET / BANQUETE - Salón Casa Blanca (Calle 17 entre Hidalgo y Juárez), autobuses saldrán a las 19:30 hrs y regresará uno a las 00:00 el otro a la 01: 00 del 20 de Noviembre / Salón Casa Blanca (Calle 17 between Hidalgo and Juárez). Buses will leave the hotel at 19:30 hrs. One will return at 00:00 and the other at 01:00 on the 20th of November.
Saturday, November 20, 1999
9:00 Hedrick, PW*; Parker, KM - Genetic characterization of Sonoran topminnow populations
9:15 Hoffnagle, TL*; Choudhury, A.; Cole, RA; Hayden, K - A preliminary examination of the parasites of fishes of the lower Little Colorado River, Arizona
9:30 Martínez Vázquez, AV*; Olazarán Sánchez, M; Julián Quintero, YM; Valencia Betancourt, R.; García de León, FJ - Fishes of the Río Corona, a sub-basin of the Río Soto la Marina, Tamaulipas, as indicators of geographic clines / Los peces del Río Corona, Subcuenca del Río Soto La Marina, Tamaulipas, como indicadores de clinas geográficas
9:45 Allan, NL*; Hoagstrom, CW; Skiles, R; Dilworth, SJ - Conservation status of native fishes, Rio Grande and tributaries, Big Bend National Park, Texas
10:00 Coleman, SM*; Minckley, WL - Management of Yaqui chub and longfin dace in West Turkey Creek, Arizona
10:15 Rowell, K* - Activities and winter catch composition of the sport fishing fleet of Bahía de Kino, Sonora, México
10:30 Krejca, JK*; Hendrickson, DA; Taylor, SJ - Using Prietella phreatophila (Ictaluridae) and other cave organisms to follow groundwater in Texas and México
11:15 Wilcox, J* - Mean or Mild?: An assessment of divergent behaviors in refugia populations of the Devils Hole pupfish, Cyprinodon diabolis
11:30 Fisher, MT*; Turner, BJ - MHC-1 variation and divergence in Death Valley pupfish populations: A preliminary analysis
11:45 Echelle, AA*; Echelle, AF - A summary of genetic variation in the pupfishes of Ash Meadows/Death Valley
12:00 Bunt, TM; Turner, BJ*; Duvernell, D; Holtmeier, C; Barton, M - Molecular evidence for reproductive isolation between two sympatric trophic morphs of San Salvador pupfishes (Cyprinodon)
12:15 Carson, EW*; Dowling, TE - Population genetic structure of two pupfish species, Cyprinodon atrorus and C. bifasciatus, endemic to the Cuatro Ciénegas basin, Coahuila, México
12:30 Dinger, EC*; Cohen, AE; Marks, JC; Hendrickson, DA - Results of an aquatic macroinvertebrate survey of the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin, Coahuila, México
12:45 Cohen, AE*; Hendrickson, DA - Habitat preferences of papilliform and molariform morphs of Cichlasoma minckleyi
15:00 Contreras Balderas, S; Edwards, RJ*; Lozano Vilano, ML; García-Ramírez, ME - Index of bio-ecological integrity in the lower Rio Grande, Texas and México / Indice bio-ecológico de integridad en el bajo Río Bravo, Texas y México
15:15 Contreras Balderas, S*; Lozano Vilano, ML; García-Ramírez, ME - New introductions of fishes in Monterrey, Nuevo León, México / Nuevas introducciones de peces en Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
15:30 Hinojosa-Falcón, OM*; Martínez-Cárdenas, A; Hernández-García, AD; Lavín-Murcio, PA - Natural history of some species of amphibians and reptiles of the arid regions of the state of Tamaulipas / Historia natural de algunas especies de anfibios y reptiles de las regiones aridas del estado de Tamaulipas
15:45 Teniente Nivon, E*; Cuevas Lizardi, AV; Palacios Moncada, LG; Suarez Tellez, JA - Icthyological remains of the Mayan population of Xcaret, Quintana Roo / Restos ictiológicos de la población Maya de Xcaret, Quintana Roo
16:00 Valdés González, A*; García Torres, F; Ulivarri, M; Oviedo, D - Physiological response of paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) induced by management stress in culture / Respuesta fisiológica del pez remo (Polyodon spathula) inducida por estrés de manejo en su cultivo
16:15 Lacaille Múzquiz, JL* - Blind fish of the genus Astyanax of Cueva del Pachón, Sierra del Abra, Tamaulipas, México / Pez ciego Astyanax de la Cueva del Pachón, Sierra del Abra, Tamaulipas, México
16:30 Closure / Clausura
Posters will be mounted by authors on arrival and displayed throughout the meeting. Authors will be present at their posters 18:00 - 18:30 hrs on Friday 19th to respond to questions. / Los autores montarán sus carteles a llegar al congreso y los carteles permanecerán en exhibición por todo el congreso. Los autores deben de estar presentes con sus carteles a las18:00 a 18:30 hrs viernes el 19 para responder a preguntas.
Gurtin, S*; Bradford, R - habitat use and associated habitat characteristics used by hatchery-reared adult razorback suckers (Xyrauchen texanus) released into the Imperial Division, Lower Colorado River, California-Arizona; Phase III preliminary analyses
Badame, PV*; Crowl, TA Dr.; Archer, E - nonnative fish control by mechanical means: channel catfish removal, in the middle Green River, Utah
Townsend, MJ*; Crowl, TA; Gourley, JL; Phillips, R - The potential effects of floodplain restoration on habitat and foraging resources for fish in the Upper Colorado River Basin
Goeking, SA*; Crowl, TA - Long-term spatiotemporal dynamics of riparian vegetation along the Green River in Utah's Uinta Basin
Gourley, J*; Crowl, TA - The role of floodplains in riverine primary productivity
Crowl, TA*; Gourley, JL; Lewis, B; Townsend, MJ; Goeking, SA; Badame, PV; Birchell, GJ; Christopherson, K - floodplain restoration in the Upper Colorado River Basin: design, questions and concerns
Ruiz-Campos, G*; Castro-Aguirre, JL; Contreras-Balderas, S; Lozano-Vilano, ML; González-Acosta, AF; Sánchez-Gonzáles, S - distribution and status of the continental fishes of Baja California Sur, Mexico
McDermott, K*; Brandt, T; Arsuffi, T - Distribution of an undescribed digenetic trematode in an exotic snail and endangered fishes in West Texas
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This page last modified: 09 December 2003