6-9 November 1996
La Paz, Baja CA Sur
Session 0. INTRODUCTION (2) - Phil Pister
- 0800 Pister, E.P. - Introduction to Meeting
- 0815 Reynoso, F. - Welcome from Local Committee
Session 1. ECOREGION REPORTS (9) - S. Contreras-Balderas
- 0830 Knapp, M. - Status of the desert fishes component of the "Bring Back
- the Natives" program
- 0845 Holden, P.B. - Bonneville Basin Area report
- 0900 Pfeifer, F.K. - Endangered Colorado River fishes (upper basin) Annual
- Report
- 0915 Wong, D.M. - Ecoregion report for Southern California and Eastern
Sierra - as reported by responsible agencies
- 0930 Heinrich, J.E.*; Sjoberg, J.C.; Withers, D.; Byers, S.; Werdon, S.;
St. George, D. - Southern Nevada eco-region report
- 0945 Minckley, C.O. - Status of native fishes in the Lower Colorado River
Basin - and an overview of Fish and Wildlife activities in Region - II, 1996.
- 1000 Hobbes, A.L. - Regional report of activities pertaining to native
fish in - New Mexico, 1996
- 1015 Garrett, G.P. - Regional report on desert fishes in Texas, 1996
- 1030 Contreras-Balderas, S. - Northeastern Mexico Coordinator repot
Session 2 (Contributed Papers 1): Systematic/ Evolutionary
Studies of Native Fishes (5) - S. Norris
- 1045 Lozano-Vilano, M. de L.*; Contreras-Balderas, S. - A new species of
cyprinodontid (Cyprinodon) fish from the - San Fernando Basin, Nuevo
Leon, Mexico
- 1100 Douglas, M.R.*; Douglas, M.E - Ontogenetic allometry in
juvenile/young adult Gila cypha and G. elegans
- 1115 Hubbs, C. - Random notes on poeciliid life history traits
- 1130 Douglas, M.E.*; Miller, R.R. - Morphometric discrimination between
Gila cypha, G. robusta, and G. elegans from the Colorado
River of western North - America
- 1145 Norris, S.M.*; Miller, R.R. - A taxonomic evaluation of Herichthys,
a section of - "Cichlasoma" (Cichlidae)
THURSDAY LUNCH: 1200--1400
Session 3 (Contributed Papers 2): Desert Anura (3) - J. Sjoberg
- 1400 Ross, D.A.*; Fridell, R.A. - Distribution and status of the boreal
toad (Bufo boreas) in Utah: New toads of the purple sage
- 1415 Perkins, M.*; Lentsch, L.; Keleher, C.; Fridell, R.; Ross, D. - Utah
ushers spotted frog towards recovery
- 1430 Sjoberg, J.C.*; Stein, J.; Heinrich, J.E. - Status and distribution
of the Amargosa toad, Bufo nelsoni
Session 4 (Contributed Papers 3): Recovery/ Reintroduction/
Management Problems and Plans (9) - D. Hendrickson
- 1445 Hamill, J.F. - Yampa River Basin Recovery and Water Management Plan:
A - prospectus
- 1500 Lentsch, L.D.*; Converse, Y.K., Thompson, P.D.; Crowl, T.A.; Toline,
C.A. - Bonytail reintroduction plan for the Upper Colorado River Basin
- 1515 Pineda, R.*; Pineda, R.F. - Conservation problems of the fish fauna
of Queretaro / Problematica de conservacion de los peces de Queretaro
- 1530 Robinson, A.T.*; Hines, P.; Sorensen, J.A.; Bryan S.D. - Parasites,
pathogens, and health of fishes in the Verde - River, Arizona, and
implications for management of - razorback suckers (Xyrauchen texanus)
and Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius)
- 1545 Keleher, C.J..*; Lentsch, L.D.; Perkins, M.J.; Crowl, T.A. - Suckers
for a healthy lake: an overview of actions of the Utah Lake Fish Management
Advisory Team (ULFMAT)
- 1600 Burdick, B. D. - Ichthyofaunal studies and restoration of native
fishes in the Gunnison River, Colorado
- 1615 Fridell, R.A.*; Comella, K.M.; Lentsch, L.D. - Status of recovery
efforts for endangered fishes in the Virgin River, Utah
- 1630 Davila, J. - Strategies and prospects for conservation in Cuatro
Cienegas / Estrategias y perspectiva de conservacion en Cuatro Cienegas
- 1645 Calegari, V.; Hendrickson, D.A.* - Local conservation efforts and
environmental perceptions in Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila, Mexico
Session 5 (Symposium 1): Conservation of Upper Rio Yaqui
Endemic Fishes (5) - B. Jensen/ J. Campoy Favela
- 0830 Jensen, B.L.*; Brooks, J.E.; Cobble, K.; Campoy-Favela, J. - A review
of the status of the native and introduced fishes of the upper Rio Bavispe
- 0845 Kelsch, S.W.*; Jensen, B.L. - Morphometric comparison of the Yaqui
and channel catfishes
- 0900 Morizot, D.C.*; Jensen B.L.; Kelsch, S.W.; Carmichael, G.J.;
Campoy-Favela, J. - Introgression between Yaqui and channel catfish in the Rio
Yaqui, Sonora, Mexico
- 0930 Ulibarri, M.E.*; Jensen, B.L. - Development of spawning and culture
techniques of the Yaqui catfish, Ictalurus pricei
- 0945 Nielsen, J.L.*; Fountain, M.C. - Molecular genetics and evolutionary
status of Rio Yaqui drainage trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss spp.), and San
Pedro Martir rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss nelsoni)
Session 6 (Contributed Papers 4): Tagging Experiments/ Movement
Studies of Native Fishes (4) - R. Valdez
- 1000 Marsh, P.C.*; Knowles, G.W.; Mueller, G. - Bonytail (Gila elegans)
telemetry in Lake Mohave, Arizona and Nevada
- 1015 Knowles, G.W.*; Marsh, P.C.; Mueller, G.; Wolters, T. - Sonic
telemetry of razorback suckers in Lake Mohave, Arizona-Nevada
- 1030 Thieme, M.L.*; McIvor, C.A. - Movement of flannelmouth suckers, (Catostomus
latipinnis) through the Colorado River in Glen and Grand canyons as
determined by PIT tag and sonic recaptures
- 1045 Valdez, R.A.*; Cowdell, B.R. - Habitat use by radio-tagged adult
humpback chub during a 45,000 cfs flood in Grand Canyon, Arizona/ Uso de
habitat por adultos humpback chub con radiotelemetry a durante la inundacion
de 45,000 cfs in Grand Canyon, Arizona
Session 7 (Contributed Papers 5): Genetic Studies
on Native Fishes (4) - A. Toline
- 1100 Oakey, D.D.*; Douglas, M.E. - Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial
DNA variation in Rhinichthys osculus of western North America
- 1115 Tibbets, C.A.*; Dowling, T.E. - Estimation of mitochondrial DNA
diversity using Single Stranded Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP) and
sequencing: A comparison of data sets from three Western fishes
- 1130 Hedrick, P.W.*; Parker, K. - MHC variation in Gila topminnows
- 1145 Toline, C.A. - DNA fingerprinting as a genetic marker in the
development of razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) broodstock for
FRIDAY LUNCH: 1200--1400
Session 8 (Contributed Papers 6): 1996 Experimental Flood: Colorado
River of the Grand Canyon (6) - T. Hoffnagle
- 1400 Brouder, M.J. - Alteration in number, morphology, and sediment
composition of backwaters
- 1415 Speas, D.W.; Brouder, M.J.* - Changes in zooplankton abundance and
community composition
- 1430 Brouder, M.J.*; Dresser, T.J. Jr. - Modification to backwater benthic
invertebrate community
- 1445 Cowdell, B.R.*; Valdez, R.A. - Shifts in shoreline fish assemblages
- 1500 Hoffnagle, T.L.*; Persons, W.R. - Changes in distribution and
populations of fish
- 1515 Dresser, T.J., Jr.; Hoffnagle, T.L.* - Food habits of adult humpback
Session 9 (Contributed Papers 7): Status and Propagation
of Native Fish Populations (5) - R. Clarkson
- 0845 Clarkson, R.W. - Monitoring to determine species richness in streams
and changes in assemblage structure
- 0900 Gorman, O.T.; Tiersch, T.R.; Figiel, C.R.; Wayman, W.R.; Williamson,
J.H.; Carmichael, G.J.* - Broodstock development and propagation studies in
the endangered razorback sucker: 1996 field studies
- 0915 Bouwes, N.W.*; Crowl, T.A.; Belovsky, G.E - Population status of the
endangered fish in the Upper Colorado River Basin: A model analysis
- 0930 Osmundson, D.B.*; Burnham, K.P. - Status of the Colorado squawfish in
the upper Colorado River
- 0945 Andersen, M. E.* - Population size variation of Devils Hole pupfish (Cyprinodon
diabolis) as related to habitat water level, 1972 - 1996
Session 10 (Contributed Papers 8): Studies of Native
Fish Distributions (8) - P. Marsh
- 1000 Contreras-MacBeath, T.*; Mejia Mojica, H.; Carrillo Wilson, R. -
Shifts in the composition of the fish fauna inhabiting waters of the state of
Morelos, Mexico: A good example of bad management
- 1015 Thompson, P.D.*; Cavalli, P.; Lentsch, L.D. - Recent captures of
Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius) in the Price River: An
example of the importance of tributaries to Colorado squawfish recovery
- 1030 Unmack, P.J.*; Minckley, W.L.; Fry, J. - Fish on the byte: GIS
analysis of fishes in the Gila River basin
- 1045 Holden, P.B.; Abate, P.D.* - Distribution and abundance of woundfin
populations in the lower Virgin River, Arizona and Nevada / Distribucion y
abundancia de poblaciones de woundfin en el Rio Virgin, Arizona y Nevada
- 1100 Ruiz-Campos, G.*; Contreras-Balderas, S.; Lozano-Vilano, M.L.;
Gonzelez-Guzman, S.; Alanez-Garcia, J. - Distributional status of the
continental fishes of the northwestern Baja California, Mexico/ Estatus
distribucional de los peces continentales del noroeste de Baja California,
- 1115 Aguilera-Gonzalez, C.*; Montemayor-Leal, J.; Contreras-Balderas, S. -
Fishes of the upper Rio Verde and its disrupted pluvial basin, San Luis
Potosi, Mexico
- 1130 Bagley, B.E.*; Schiffmiller, G.H.; Sowka, P.A.; Marsh, P.C. A new
Arizona locality for loach minnow, Tiaroga cobitis
- 1145 Blasius, H.B. - Biogeography of freshwater fishes of Northwestern
SATURDAY LUNCH: 1200--1400
Session 11 (Contributed Papers 9): Studies on Growth and
Survivorship of Native Fishes (4) - M. Brouder
- 1400 Thiede, G.*; Crowl, T.A.; Schaugaard, C.; Lentsch, L. - The role of
nonnative fish on habitat selection, growth rates and survivorship ofjuvenile
Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius) in the Green River, Utah
- 1415 Converse, Y.K.*; Lentsch, L.D. - Use of scale analysis to determine
overwinter survival of age-0 Colorado squawfish, Ptychocheilus lucius
- 1430 Trammell, M. - Evaluation of sampling efficiency in the Interagency
Standardized Monitoring Program (ISMP) for YOY Colorado squawfish,
Ptychocheilus lucius
- 1445 Thieme, M.L., McIvor, C.A.*, Brouder, M.J. - Factors affecting
young-of-year recruitment of flannelmouth sucker, (Catostomus latipinnis),
in the Paria River, Glen Canyon, Arizona
Session 12 (Contributed Papers 10): Studies of Backwaters/ Nursery
Habitats/ Floods/ Floodplains/ Riparian Habitats (9) - T. Crowl
- 1500 Minckley, C.O. - Startup of the Achii Hanyo Project, a new place to
raise native fishes in the lower Colorado River Basin
- 1515 Johnstone, H.C.*; Stevens, L.E. - Physical and biological development
of a large Colorado River backwater in Grand Canyon, Arizona
- 1530 Lawrence, K.P.*; Lamarra, V.A.; Alder, L.A. - A comparison of the
productivity of nursery habitat for Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus
lucius) in the San Juan and Colorado rivers
- 1545 Lewis, B.*; Crowl, T.A.; Lentsch, L.; Thompson, P. - Invertebrate
community response to floodplain enhancement through levee removal on the
Green River in Utah
- 1600 Robertson, L.*; Wilber, J.P.; Hiebert, S.D. - Rio Grande fish
community at Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico: comparison of natural and
stabilized banks and created backwaters
- 1615 Thomas, H.M.*; Crowl, T.A.; Lentsch, L.; Keleher, C. - Effects of
structural complexity on predator-prey interactions and habitat choice of
white bass and June sucker
- 1630 Stefferud, J.A.*; Rinne, J.N. - Effects of floods on fishes in the
upper Verde River, Arizona
- 1645 Goeking Rodemaker, S.*; Crowl, T.A.; Stone, K.; Roberts, D.R. -
Remote classification methods for riparian vegetation in Ouray National
Wildlife Refuge
- 1700 Crowl, T.A.*; Lewis, B.; Lentsch, L.; Nelson, P. - Approaches and
concerns of floodplain restoration in the Upper Colorado River Basin: An
Session 13: POSTERS - To Be Announced
- Alanez-Garcia, J.*; Valles-Rios, M. - Prevalence of the nematode
Contracaecum multipapillatum in the endemic killifish Fundulus lima of San
Ignacio Oasis, B.C.S., Mexico/ Prevalencia del nematodo Contracaecum
multipapillatum en el killifish endemico del Oasis de San Ignacio, B.C.S.,
- Childs, M.R.*; Robinson, A.T.; Clarkson, R.W. - Resource use by larval and
early juvenile native fishes in the Little Colorado River, Grand Canyon,
- Hendrickson, D.A.*; Brauer, M.J.; Zippin, D.B. - The Cuatro Cienegas
Project: Conservation research and education in a small Mexican community
- Norris, S.M. - The 'lost' ichthyological illustrations of the Sess and
Moci Expedition to New Spain (1787-1803)
- Stephens, M.; Hendrickson, D.A.* - Larval development of the Cuatro
Cienegas cichlid, "Cichlasoma" minckleyi
This page last modified:
09 December 2003