This is the Final Call for Papers for the 27th Annual Meeting of DESERT FISHES COUNCIL (DFC). A registration form is also provided.
Our meeting will be held 16-19 NOV. at the Peppermill Hotel Casino (2707 S. Virginia Street), Reno, NV. The local committee is now being co-chaired by G. Clemmer and R. NcNatt. Registration will begin WED evening (15th) followed by 3 days of technical and agency reports, posters, a Symposium /Contributed Paper Session ("Translocation as a Conservation Tool for Preserving Native Fishes": C. Stockwell; 803-725-2472; STOCKWELL_at_SREL.EDU; FAX: 803-725-3309), and other societal activities (below).
An open "Lake Sucker Summit" [D. Young, USFWS; (503)-885-8481; FAX (503)-885-9053] will convene 1300-1700 WED. (15th) to discuss research and management of Lost River, Shortnose, June, Cui-ui, Warner and Goose Lake suckers. A translocation workshop (TH evening, 16th) will consist of a tutorial using computer programs (like 'Vortex') to evaluate genetic consequences of translocations. The DFC banquet will be FRI evening (17th), while a field trip to Pyramid Lake is scheduled for SUN (19th).
DFC has reserved rooms (DeLuxe=$44; Tower=$55; +9% room tax) and receives a discount on numbers rented. Therefore, please reside at the Peppermill. Reservations can be made UNTIL 15 OCT. (call 1-800-282-2444; identify yourself as a member of DFC).
ABSTRACTS for posters/ reports must be RECEIVED in electronic format (e-mail or floppy disk) on/ before 15 September (FR) by D. Hendrickson; Texas Natural History Collection, R4000; Univ. Texas; Austin, TX 78712-1100 USA; Voice:(512)-471-9774; Fax:(512)-471-9775; Internet: webmaster at desertfishes dot org]. (Call Dean before shipping via UPS ,FEDEX, etc.). Space is limited; scheduling is in order received; scheduling can't be completed without abstract. Bilingual instructions to authors are in DFC Proceedings 24-25 (1992-93). Hard copy abstracts (1) are reserved only for those without access to computers, and (2) must have prior approval before submittal [contact M. Douglas; Dept. Zoology; AZ State University; Tempe AZ 85287-1501 USA; Voice:(602)-965-3571; Fax:(602)-965-0362; Internet: ABMED_at_ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU].
A REGISTRATION FORM IS INCLUDED with this mailing. If you plan to attend our annual meeting, please complete it and post to Phil Pister (address on form).
If you haven't paid SOCIETAL DUES, then please complete/ post the enclosed application. Dues status is on mailing label. A
"COMP," "LIFE," "95" (or "96") in upper right corner signifies
UP-TO-DATE. A "?," "82-94," or blank means DEFICIT. Those members listed as "COMP" or "LIFE" should send ONLY the completed application (no dues). All others are asked to post application AND dues to P. Marsh (address on form). Members who do not pay (or renew) will be dropped from DFC.
AGENCY REPORTS WILL BE HANDLED AS FOLLOWS: All federal and state agencies, and conservation organizations should designate an individual to summarize region- or agency-wide activities (to be coordinated with Nadine Kanim, USFWS: 916-842-5763; FAX 916-842-4517). Abstracts are also solicited from individuals in these groups (but first contact Nadine to avoid possible redundant presentations).
ORAL PRESENTATIONS are 15 total minutes (including questions). Each speaker is limited to a single oral presentation. Poster presentations are encouraged. Again, our program is LIMITED because lengthy afternoon sessions reminiscent of older DFC meetings have now been eliminated. The 1994 DFC meeting (Death Valley National Park) was an excellent example of our new scheduling format.
STUDENT PRESENTATIONS will have two prize categories: Carl L. Hubbs Award (for best overall student paper) and Frances Hubbs Miller Award (for best paper presented by a Mexican student). All students are encouraged to compete. Forms requesting support of student travel are obtainable from D. Hendrickson (address above).
We encourage all members to participate in our Reno conclave, to renew acquaintances, and to reflect on our society's evolution. We developed under adversarial duress, and while this pressure was relaxed of late, it is again mounting (i.e., renewal of ESA). Thus, our gathering must be not only to present biological data and discuss management policy, but also to reaffirm ideology and rekindle ethics. While our society has matured in the interim, has it also lost the integrity of Devils Hole and our "first principles?" All members can contribute to this reevaluation, and all are asked to do so, in both public discourse and private dialogue.
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![]() (Dean Hendrickson) |
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This page last modified: 06 June 2004