DFC Areas and Area Coordinators 2005
Areas Coordinator:
Kara Hilwig, SWCA Environmental Consultants,
114 N. San Francisco St., Suite 100, Flagstaff, AZ 86001. Phone: (928)
774-5500 x 242, (928) 607-4496, Email: khilwig@swca.com
Oregon (State of, and Upper Pit River drainage of California):
Stewart Reid, 2045 East Main Street, Ashland, OR 97520. Phone: (541)
488-5154, Email: westernfishes@opendoor.com
California (State of, except for the Pit and Klamath drainages of
northeast California and mainstem Lower Colorado River):
Steve Parmenter, California Department of Fish and Game, 407 W. Line Street,
Bishop, CA 93514, Phone: (760) 872-1171, FAX: (760) 872-1284, Email:
Nevada (State of, except for Virgin River):
Eric Miskow,
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Nevada Natural Heritage
Program, 1550 E. College Parkway, Suite 137, Carson City, Nevada 89706,
Phone: (775) 687-4245 x241, FAX: (775) 687-1288, Email: emiskow@heritage.nv.gov
Bonneville Basin (western Utah, far-eastern Nevada, southern Idaho,
and far-southwestern Wyoming):
Matthew E. Andersen, Utah Department of
Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources, 1594 W. North Temple,
Suite 2110, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114, Phone: (801) 538-4756, FAX: (801)
538-4745, Email: matthewandersen@utah.gov
Upper Colorado River (upstream of Glen Canyon Dam, including Green,
Gunnison, Dolores, and San Juan rivers):
Kevin Christopherson, Utah
Department of Natural Resources, 152E. 100N, Vernal UT 84078, Phone: (435)
781-5315, FAX: (435) 789-8343, Email: kevinchristopherson@utah.gov
Lower Colorado River (including Little Colorado, Virgin, Bill
Williams, and Gila rivers):
Pamela Sponholtz, U.S.F.W.S, Arizona Fishery
Resources Office, 323 N. Leroux, Suite 401, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, Phone:
(928) 226-1289 x 113, Email: pam_sponholtz@fws.gov
Upper/Middle Rio Grande and Pecos rivers, including Tularosa and
Guzman basins of New Mexico (downstream to the confluence of the Rio Grande
[Río Bravo] and Río Conchos):
Hilary E. Watts, U.S.F.W.S., New Mexico
Fishery Resources Office, 3800 Commons Avenue, N.E., Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 87109, Phone: (505) 342-9900 x115, FAX: (505) 342-9905, Email:
Texas (State of):
Gary Garrett, Texas Parks and Wildlife
Department, Heart of the Hills Fisheries Science Center, 5103 Junction Hwy,
Ingram, Texas 78025, Phone: (830) 866-3356, FAX: (830) 866-3549, Email:
Northwestern Mexico (including the peninsula of Baja California):
Gorgonio Ruiz-Campos, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Baja
California, Km.106 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada, Ensenada, Baja California,
22800, México, Apartado Postal 1653; US Mailing Address: PMB # 064, P.O. Box
189003-064, Coronado, California 92178, Email: gruiz@uabc.mx
Northeastern Mexico (Río Bravo [Rio Grande] area) and Mexico
Salvador Contreras-Balderas, A.P. 504, San Nicolas de los
Garza, Nuevo Leon, Mexico 66450, Phone: [011] (52) (8) 376-2231, Home: [011]
(52) (8) 313-1641, Email: saconbal@axtel.net
(note - to prevent harvest by spammers, e-mail addresses above encoded using http://www.wbwip.com/wbw/emailencoder.html)
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This page last modified: 06 December 2004