President 1982-1984

Salvador Contreras-B., was an emeritus professor at the University of Nuevo Leon in Monterrey, Mexico, has long pioneered research and management of Mexican native fishes. His former students and associates are now the backbone of Mexico’s conservation efforts as they have assumed positions at universities in other areas of Mexico. Dr. Contreras completed his graduate research at Tulane University under tutelage of legendary Royal D. (Sut) Suttkus. Salvador arranged and hosted the Council’s first meeting outside of the United States, held at the University of Nuevo Leon in November 1980. There were many highlights at this meeting, foremost being an outstanding series of papers presented in Spanish by his students (the first such an experience for many of us), superb banquets and barbecues, and an unforgettable field trip to Cuatrociénegas in the State of Coahuila, perhaps the most diverse ecosystem (in terms of biological endemism) in North America. In retirement, Salvador continued his work with Mexican fishes. He passed away in 2009: http://Salvador Contreras Balderas