President 2002-2004
Membership Secretary 1995-2000
Paul came to Arizona State University in 1980 from St. Paul, where he was graduated with a Doctorate in Fisheries from the University of Minnesota. Since then he has been conducting research and management in behalf of native fish conservation throughout the arid southwest. He has published extensively in the professional literature, authored three U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recovery plans, and written numerous reports. Paul served the Council for many years as Membership Secretary until relinquishing that post to take over as President. He was elected leader of the USFWS (Region 2) Desert Fishes Recovery Team (now disbanded) and is active on native fish committees of the American Fisheries Society. Among many other roles he serves as Technical Advisor to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and USFWS, and is Associate Editor (Fishes) for the Western North American Naturalist (formerly Great Basin Naturalist).