DFC President 2015-2017
Member at Large 2013-2014
Michael grew up in the Midwest and Washington state, but fell in love with desert streams when he moved to southern California. He started his career in desert streams with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife in the illustrious Region 6 office in Bishop. Michael also spent several years working as a research associate at UC Santa Barbara’s Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab in Mammoth Lakes, CA. He studies the ecology of desert streams, focusing on aquatic invertebrates, fish, amphibians, and reptiles. Michael attended California State University Monterey Bay for his undergrad degree and Oregon State University for his graduate degrees. He currently is a faculty member in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of Arizona. Before being elected DFC President, Michael previously served on the ExComm as the Member-at-Large (2013-2015).