DFC President 2019-2021
Member at Large 2017-2018
Megan Bean grew up as an urban youth in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Her first introduction to fish and fishing in Texas was in High School when Preston Bean took her fishing on the Brazos River. Megan initially studied Chemistry and Physics but after tagging along as field help on Preston’s M.S. fish research project, she met with her advisor and quickly switched her major to study aquatic science and conservation. She completed a M.S. at Texas State University studying fish in the Rio Grande and Pecos watersheds and then started a position with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. In this position, she worked under Gary Garrett who mentored her and shared a conservation ethic and love for aquatic systems and fish of Texas. Megan is currently the Native Fish Coordinator for the Chihuahuan Desert region in Texas in which she coordinates the planning, design, and implementation of landscape-scale habitat restoration, enhancement, and preservation projects in priority rivers and associated watersheds. She also conducts research projects; works collaboratively with university and other research partners; provides technical guidance on conservation best management practices to landowners and local community partners to support healthy rivers, natural habitat conditions, sustainable native fish populations, and high-quality conservation-oriented recreational activities in Texas rivers. She is an active member in the Desert Fishes Council and Desert Fish Habitat Partnership. She loves spending time in the outdoors fishing, hiking, exploring, and kayaking with Preston and her two kids.