List of past award winners by year

2024Robert Rush and Frances Hubbs Miller: best student presentation Mexico or other Latin American countryCasandra ManuelitioUniversity of New MexicoGenetic evaluation of refuge populations of Desert Pupfish (Cyprinodon macularius)
2024Carl L. and Laura C. Hubbs Award: best student presentationMolly JohnsonNorth Dakota State UniversityAssessment of predator naiveté for an insular fish species: the White Sands Pupfish, Cyprinodon tularosa
2024Phil Pister Poster AwardGabriel MurilloUniversity of Texas, San AntonioEnergetic implications for Guadalupe Bass, Micropterus trecullii, management under a projected climate change scenario
2023Robert Rush and Frances Hubbs Miller: best student presentation Mexico or other Latin American countryAlexsandre Gutierrez-BarraganUniversidad de SonoraAdvances on the genetic analysis of hybridization in the Yaqui catfish, Ictalurus pricei (Rutter, 1896) using mitochondrial & nuclear genes
2023Carl L. and Laura C. Hubbs Award: best student presentationLindsey ElkinsTexas A & MWalking a Fine Line: Miniature Distance Sampling Reveals Greater Abundance of Imperiled Conchos Pupfish in Marginal Habitats
2023Shining Star Award: Member that conduct conservation actions above and beyond the call of dutyHarold FairfieldSpringsnails of Ash Meadows
2021Carl L. and Laura C. Hubbs Award: best student presentationChad TealUniversity of ArizonaEfforts in the development of Trojan sex chromosome carrying Red Shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis) and Green Sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) for the control of nuisance populations in the Southwest
2021Best Student Poster AwardJustin WaraniakNorth Dakota State UniversityTrade-offs among life history traits and parasite intensity in the White Sands pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa)
2020No meeting due to COVID-19
2019Carl L. and Laura C. Hubbs Award: best student presentationKelbi DelauneTexas Tech UniversitySpatial and temporal variation in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages at tributary confluences of the Pecos River
2019Robert Rush and Frances Hubbs Miller: best student presentation Mexico or other Latin American countrySr. Alexsandre Gutierrez-BarragaDICTUS Universidad de SonoraAdvances on the genetic characterization of the reproductive stock of Yaqui Catfish, Ictalurus pricei (Rutter, 1896), of the Bavispe River sub-basin, Sonora
2019Best Student Poster Award
2018Carl L. Hubbs Award: best student presentationDrew EppehimerUniversity of ArizonaImplications of Using Treated Wastewater as Habitat for Desert Fishes
2018Robert Rush and Frances Hubbs Miller: best student presentation Mexico or other Latin American countrySr. Alexsandre Gutierrez-BarragaDICTUS Universidad de SonoraComparative Morphometrics Analysis Among Refuge and Wild Populations of Sonoyta Pupfish Cyprinodon eremus Miller & Fuiman, 1987 (Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae)
2018Best Student Poster AwardMary-Elise JohnsonBrigham Young UniversityEvolution of Gonopodial Asymmetry and Behavior Laterality in the Livebearing fish Xenophallus umbratilis.
2018Special Achievement AwardHarlan BeanStarkey Elementary SchoolComparing and contrasting pupfish, headwater catfish and northern largemouth bass
2017Carl L. Hubbs Award: best student presentationDrew EppehimerUniversity of ArizonaCan Treated Wastewater Reestablish Aquatic Communities in Desert Rivers?
2017Robert Rush and Frances Hubbs Miller: best student presentation Mexico or other Latin American countryMaria Guadalpe Valdez-GarciaEvaluation of Water Quality as a determinant of desert pupfish (Cyprinodon macularius) survival in La Flor Del Desierto, Ciénega de Santa Clara, Sonora, Mexico.
2017Best Student Poster AwardCatherine De VlamingColorado State UniversityThe Effectiveness of Light Traps for Capturing Razorback Sucker Larvae
2016Carl L. Hubbs Award: best student presentationStephan MussmanUniversity of ArkansasRiverscape genetics of speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus); a contrasting study of Colorado River and Great Basin Drainages
2016Robert Rush and Frances Hubbs Miller: best student presentation Mexico or other Latin American countryBallesteros-Cordova, C.Universidad de Sonora Departamento de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas, Hermosillo, Mexico.Molecular clock and events implicated in the divergence time within the endemic Gila eremica lineage in Sonora, northwest Mexico.
2016Best Student Poster AwardAdam BacaNew Mexico State UniversityReproductive Strategies of White Sands pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa) inhabiting stable and Stochastic Habitats
2015Carl L. Hubbs Award: best student presentationRebecca FrusUniversity of New Mexico, School of Earth and Planetary SciencesHabitat conditions for the endangered Zuni bluehead sucker, Catostomus discobolus yarrowi, Zuni Mountains, New Mexico: continuous monitoring and hydrogeochemistry of springs
2015Robert Rush and Frances Hubbs Miller: best student presentation Mexico or other Latin American countryBallesteros-Cordova, C.Universidad de Sonora Departamento de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas, Hermosillo, Mexico.Identifying a potentially cryptic species of Gila sp. in Sonora, México.
2015Best Student Poster AwardAlyssa V. SanchezUniversity of New Mexico, AlbuquerqueRelationship of genetic diversity metrics to density in two imperiled Canadian River fishes, Arkansas Shiner and Plains Minnow
2014Carl L. Hubbs Award: best student presentationHanna MooreUniversity of ArizonaAlgae as bio-indicators of stream function in acid mine drainage systems: qualitative analyses of algal communities in Santa Cruz watershed
2014Robert Rush and Frances Hubbs Miller: best student presentation Mexico or other Latin American countryVeronica MendosaColeccion Nacional de Peces Instituto de Biologias, UNAM, Hermosillo, MexicoDiversity and potential distribution of the fish fauna of the Sierra Madre Occidental.
2014Best Student Poster AwardLilla Vela-ValladaresPronatura Noreste, A. C., ChihuahuaA program for long-term genetic, habitat, and population monitoring of Cyprinodon fontinalis and associated specie in Ojo Solo and the Ojo Caliente Refuge.
2013Carl L. Hubbs Award: best student presentationStephani Barkalow ClarkUniversity of ArizonaEffects of total suspended sediments on survival of Yaqui chub eggs and larvae
2013Robert Rush and Frances Hubbs Miller: best student presentation Mexico or other Latin American countryBallesteros-Corodova, C.Universidad de Sonora Departamento de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnologicas, Hermosillo, Mexico.Advances in the mitochondrial sequencing and genome structure of the Yaqui catfish, Ictalurus pricei, in Northwest Mexico
2013Best Student Poster AwardSally PetreUniversity of Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife unitHabitat suitability criteria for virile crayfish, a non-native species in Arizona.
2012Carl L. Hubbs Award: best student presentationChristopher MartinUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,Novel ecology, morphology, and rapid evolution within adaptive radiations of Cyprinodon pupfishes on San Salvador Island, Bahamas and Laguna Chichancanab, Mexico and direct field measurement of multiple fitness peaks on the pupfish adaptive landscape
2012Robert Rush and Frances Hubbs Miller: best student presentation Mexico or other Latin American countryBonillas-Monge, Mario E.Genetic variation in the San Bernardino Spring Snail (Pyrgulopsis bernardina) in the upper San Bernardino River Basin in Northeast Sonora, Mexico
2012Best Student Poster AwardSamantha M. SkinnerNorth Dakota State UniversityThe role of intraguild predation on potential impacts of invasive mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, on Ash Meadows pupfish, Cyprinodon ssp.
2011Carl L. Hubbs Award: best student presentationCarlos Ballesteros-CordovaUniversidad de SonoraPopulation genetic variability of Yaqui Trout (Oncorhynchus sp.) in the Mesa Tres Rios area, Sonora
2011Robert Rush and Frances Hubbs Miller: best student presentation Mexico or other Latin American countryMaria Teresa Carreon-ZapiainUniversidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, MonterreyMycobacterium in native protected fishes
2011Best Student Poster AwardYolanda Castillo OntiverosUniversidad Autonoma de Nuevo LeonRefuge Center for Endangered Fish Species (CRPPE) Project: Conservation and Research of freshwater Mexican Fishes

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