Conservation Grants

The Desert Fishes Council (DFC) Conservation Grants Program has been established to support projects that contribute to preserving the biological integrity of aquatic ecosystems and their associated life forms in arid regions, in accordance with the mission of the Council. Projects can include direct conservation activities, research, outreach, or equipment needed for these activities. This grant is awarded to individuals, not institutions, and cannot be used to pay for salary, food, water, or other routine personnel support. DFC does not cover overhead. Multiple grants may be awarded annually in amounts of up to $1,000. Larger grants may be considered under special circumstances. Grants will be awarded only to DFC members in good standing.

Recipients are expected to present a paper at the annual DFC meeting on the project in which the funds are used. DFC support should be recognized in all resulting publications and presentations. Proposals can be submitted anytime.

Applicants will submit the completed Conservation Award Application electronically to the President Michael Schwemm ( or the member-at-large Lindsey Elkins ( as a Word or pdf document. All information requested on the application form must be provided for consideration.

Selection criteria will include: (1) applicability to the DFC mission, (2) benefit to subject species, (3) status of subject species, (4) potential for long-term beneficial impacts, (5) probability of success, (6) applicant credentials and career stage, (7) availability of alternative funding sources, and (8) significance of the funding to applicant/project.

Selection of projects will be by an ad hoc committee comprised of the Member-at-Large and two additional active DFC members. Members of the current selection committee and their dependents/students are not eligible for grants.

W. L. Minckley Memorial Grant

The W. L. Minckley Memorial Grant has been established by the Minckley Family to honor the enormous contributions made by W. L. Minckley to the conservation and management of desert fishes in North America. This grant program supports research and projects that contribute to preserving the biological integrity of spring-dependent and stream ecosystems in northern Mexico and their associated life forms, in accordance with the mission of the Desert Fishes Council. Grant dollars will be awarded to Mexican students pursuing research towards an undergraduate or graduate degree to cover equipment, travel, and other costs associated with their research. DFC does not pay salary or overhead. Students must be members of the Desert Fishes Council to apply. One grant will be awarded annually for up to $400.

Grant recipients are expected to attend the Annual Meeting of the Council and present an oral paper or poster reporting on the project in which the funds are used. Travel grants may be available if needed. Recipients should also acknowledge DFC support of the project in resulting publications and presentations.

Applicants will submit the completed Grant Application electronically to the President Michael Schwemm ( or the member-at-large Lindsey Elkins ( a pdf or word document. All information requested on the application form must be provided for consideration.

Selection criteria will include: (1) applicability to the DFC mission, (2) benefit to subject species, (3) conservation status of subject species, (4) potential for long-term beneficial impacts of the project, (4) probability of success, (5) applicant credentials, (6) availability of alternative funding sources, and (7) significance of the funding to successful completion of the project and long-term development of the applicant’s career. The assessment rubric is available here.

Selection of projects will be by an ad hoc committee comprised of the Member-at-Large and two additional Council members. Members of the current selection committee and their students are not eligible to apply.

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