Greetings all, the annual meeting is this week 17-18 of November 2021. It is virtual and the cost is only $50 per person! Don’t forget to register. There is an interactive poster session each evening with the authors. Please read their posters prior to the assigned session. The meeting program is available.
2021 DFC Annual meeting short program is now available
Long Valley speckled dace
From Patrick Donnelly at the Center for Biological Diversity:
Today the US Fish and Wildlife Service issued a positive 90-day finding on the Center for Biological Diversity’s petition to protect the Long Valley speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus ssp.) under the Endangered Species Act. The Service found that the petition presents substantial scientific or commercial information indicating that listing may be warranted. This advances the fish to a one-year review for determination as to whether or not listing under the Act is warranted.
DFC’er Steve Parmenter basically single-handedly saved the Long Valley speckled dace from extinction, scooping up a few and establishing a refugium outside of its native range before the last population at Whitmore Hot Spring likely winked out. And it’s not the only taxon of endemic desert aquatic life which might be extinct but for Parmenter’s tender care.
90-day finding in the Federal Register:
90-day finding petition review form:
CBD’s 2020 petition:
How to join the DFC listserv
For instructions on how to join the Desert Fishes Council listserv go to
2021 Annual meeting is now virtual
Greetings all,
It has been decided that the 2021 Annual Meeting of DFC will be virtual. Stay tuned for more details.
DFC supported Book now available
Standing between Life and Extinction
Ethics and Ecology of Conserving Aquatic Species in North American Deserts
Edited by David Propst, Jack Williams, Kevin Bestgen, and Christopher Hoagstrom