Cuatrociénegas, Coahuila, México

Hotels and Resources
Hoteles y Recursos

Map of the City of Cuatro Ciénegas

(note - to direct dial phone calls to México from the US, dial 011, 52, then the area code and number as indicated here)


Note that reservations are recommended, but rarely necessary except during Semana Santa (Easter week) and the town fair (Feria de la Uva) which is generally the last week of July and first week of August.

1. Hotel Plaza (Phone 01 (869) 696 0066)

2. El Nogalito (Phone 01 (869) 696 0009)

3. Hotel Santa Fe (Phone 01 (869) 696 0425)

4. Hotel Ibarra (Phone 01 (869) 696 0004)

15. Hotel Marielena

16. Cabañas Villa del Desierto

17. Quinta Santa Cecelia

Places of Interest
Lugares de Interés

  1. APFFC office, a part of SEMARNAT (Federal Government Reserve Management) - general tourism and conservation / regulations information, connections with guides. (Phone 01 (869) 696 0299)
  2. Presidencia (mayor and city government offices - guide services available here). (Phone 01 (869) 696 0024)
  3. Promotur (State tourism office - guides and local tourism information). (Phone 01 (869) 696 0574)
  4. Bus depot
  5. Carranza museum (documenting the life of local-born ex-president of México, Venustiano Carranza)
  6. Casa de Cultura (permanent and temporary exhibits of artifacts, photography) (Phone 01 (869) 696 0896)
  7. Serfin Santander(pay for tourist visas / ATM / Casa de Cambio)
  8. Internet services (next to Cablevision)
  9. Medical clinic
  10. Herpetario WL Minkley

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